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That following Friday,

I sat down in my seat where I normally did. 

Matthew was the first to present his paper. 

Then there was Mary followed by Hannah and Zander, and finally, it was my turn. 

As I took a deep breath, I stood up from my seat and walked over to the front of the room, and started,

"Who are the most important people in my life? Well, that's a good question..." 

Who are the most important people in my life? Well, that's a good question. I'd have to start off with the easy answers like my mom and dad. I'd also have to add my brother, and this weird, tall, blonde boy named Luke.

To start off, my mother, Karen, Karen Clifford. Don't think that because her name is Karen she is a Karen. My mother is the sweetest, most caring, lovely person, I know. There's never been a situation where she refused to help. She's been by my side since day 1. Literally.

We would fight, we would get mad, and then we made up. She was always there for me by my side.

She was my role model, and she was a very good one.

Next up, my father, Daryl Clifford. He's great. He's also been in my life since day 1. He's been like a superhero to me. He would treat me like I was the only little girl to ever exits. He treated me and my twin brother, Michael, like there were no other children on Earth. He made sure that nothing was ever bothering us, he would help with everything, and even when the two of us started to become busier, we still made time in our lives to be together.

He was also my role model.

Next up, we have my twin brother Michael. Where do I start with him? He's a crazy goofball that likes to dye his hair crazy colors, watch Animae, and spend time with dogs. He's crazy. He's also been there for me from day one.

We spent all our time together. We fought sometimes, but even when we did, at the end of the day, you could find us in our basement playing with toys together.

I remember one specific day in the second grade, he thought it was a good idea to hide my favorite barbie doll. He thought that the toaster oven was a good place to hide the doll.

I didn't realize that my doll was missing until I smelt burning plastic.

My father was reading a case and he decided to make some toast. He put some bread in the little oven and didn't check if anything was inside.

My father and Michael went to go get me a replacement doll, but I was still mad at him for a really long time.

But besides all of that, he's an amazing brother. We spent all our time together while growing up. Even when we were in high school we spent a lot of time together.

We weren't your usual siblings. We never got tired of each other and like I said previously, we almost never fought.

He was my best friend. He still is, but now, he lives in St. Louis since he's going to college there.

College has really taught us how important families are.

Finally, the tall, weird, blonde boy. He's actually an interesting topic.

Luke's my twin brother Michael's best friend. I've known him for what feels like forever.

Some random facts about Luke are that he's good at math, he's photogenic, and that he's the nicest person I've ever met.

He also happens to be my boyfriend.

A few months back in the beginning of June, my brother, his group of friends, and I all took a road trip where we visited the cities where our colleges were all together. We went to Colorado, Missouri, Illinois, and Massachusetts.

We spent 3 days in each city walking around, spending time together, and touring schools.

On our first stop, we went to Colorado.

On the first day, Luke and I went out to explore the city, and we saw a little concert.

And the rest is history. 


Hey guys! This is where I want to finish the fic! I'll write an epilogue tomorrow

I'm sorry if this isn't the best ending, if something I'll edit and re-write it. 

I just wanted to thank you guys so everything. Thank you for the support on this fanfiction. 

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