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10:45 PM 

Luke and I decided that it was a good time to head back to the hotel room. Neither of us had brought our phones with us and the rest of the boys were probably back by now. 

We walked into the room and saw that they were still gone. 

"I'm gonna text Michael and the boys, you go shower," Luke said as he placed his things on the table and grabbed his phone. 

"Thanks," I smiled as I walked over to grab my pj's and things I needed for my shower.

I then walked over to the bathroom, turned on the lights, and closed the door. I made sure to lock it just in case the boys would come back and walk-in. I really didn't need the boys walking in on me. 

I then picked up my brush and ran it through my tangled hair before I slid off my bikini and hopped into the shower. 

The warm water hit me as I grabbed my shampoo and applied it to my head. I washed my hair and then put on conditioner. Afterward, I washed the rest of my body and hummed the melody of a random song. Once I finished my shower, I grabbed my towel to dry off and I grabbed my pj's to change into.

I slid my arms and torso through the plain top and put on my shorts. I then used a towel to dry my hair a little before I brushed it out and stepped out of the bathroom. 

Luke was laying on our bed. He was practically asleep until he realized that I had got out of the shower. 

"Come here," He said with his eyes still closed. 

I walked over to the bed and laid down next to him before he reached his arms out for me to come into them and cuddle. 

"Luke, you gotta shower baby," I laughed. 

His skin was dry from the chlorine in the water and his hair was half wet. 

"I know, can we just lay here for a second and enjoy the moment?" He begged.  

"Fine," I said as I gave in and moved closer to him. 

"The boys are at a party by the way." He whispered. 

"What? They don't know anyone here," I replied with a confused tone. 

"Remember how they were talking to some girls before we left for the tour, they invited them to some party." The blonde boy stated. 

"Oh ok," I said as I nuzzled my head into Luke's chest. 

A few minutes go by before I practically force Luke to go shower. He really didn't want to get up. I didn't want him to go either, but he needed to shower. It's not that he smelled or anything, it's just because of the chlorine. It's not good for your skin and stuff. 

I laid in bed and I decided to text Carly and call my mom. 

I told Carly everything that had happened today. I told her about the tour and how beautiful the school was, and that Luke and I had a date or whatever. I told her every little detail about what Luke and I did. I told her about how we basically got kicked out by Michael and how we went and got Frozen Yogurt and all that. 

When I called my mom, I told her about the school. I didn't tell her about Luke because I didn't know how she would react, but I did tell her about how Luke and I were going to the same school. Apparently Luke and I were the only people who didn't know about that. 

After I ended the phone call with my mom, I heard the shower turn off. 

I plugged my phone into the charger and placed it on the little nightstand next to my side of the bed before I got a text from Michael. 

"Hey, Sam, Ash, Cal, and I are gonna stay out pretty late. We might crash here. Just wanted to let you know. Ily" 

I grabbed my phone and replied, "Ok, thanks for letting me know, iylt." 

He quickly responded and said, "Don't do anything to crazy with Luke. I don't want a niece or a nephew at the moment." 

I just left him on read. He knew that nothing would happen. I'm just surprised that he's fine with the whole situation. 

I heard the door open as Luke walked out holding his things in one hand and his phone in the other. 

He seemed off. It seemed like something happened or he was sad. 

"Hey is everything alright?" I asked. 

"Yeah, yeah," The tall boy replied. 

"You seem a little off," I said as I gestured for Luke to come over.

He sat right next to me in his basketball shorts and random top. His wet hair sat on his forehead. 

"Now, tell me what's wrong. Something seems to be bothering you," I whispered as I rubbed random shapes on his back to comfort him. 

He turned to me and started to cry into my shoulder. 

"Whoah Luke, it's ok, I'm here for you baby, no matter what," I whispered into his ear. 

After a few minutes of Luke crying and getting tears all over my shirt, he lifted his head from my shoulder and apologized. 

"I'm sorry baby, I'm- I'm just scared for college. I'm scared to be away from my family, away from my mom, away from my dad and brothers, away from Michael, Calum, and Ashton, and just home in general." He said as he wiped a final tear away. 

"Luke, I'll be here for you. You can come over whenever." I smiled. 

"I know, that's why I'm crying. Well, one of the reasons why." 

"Why are you crying over the fact that I'll be here?" I asked. 

This honestly made me feel bad. It made me think that Luke thought I wasn't good enough for him or that I did something wrong. 

"I'm crying because of the fact that I'll be far from home, and the fact that I got lucky enough to have you here. I'll be with someone I know and care about." He looked up and smiled, "I know this is cringey, but I feel like you're a sign that life in college will be ok." 

"Aww, Luke," I smiled as I pulled him into a hug. 

We sat there for a little while and hugged before we decided to go to bed. 

"Wanna sleep or watch something on TV?" He asked. 

"It's up to you."

"Ok, well I don't care what we do, I just wanna cuddle with you." He smiled. 

"Ok well, I'll turn off the big lights and we can cuddle," I said as I walked over to the switch that controlled the main lights in the hotel room.

I walked back over to Luke who was now under the covers waiting for me. I then got in bed next to him and faced him before we positioned ourselves comfortably. 

He then placed a small kiss on my forehead as we laid there in silence. It was a comforting silence. One that I really liked. We were just laying in bed enjoying each other's presence as we fell asleep. 

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