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When we walked into the hotel room, Luke flung himself onto our bed. Michael went out to get some food and Calum was sleeping. Ashton was the only one awake in the hotel room besides me. 

"Hey Ash," I spoke softly so that I wouldn't wake Luke or Calum up. 

"What's up?" 

"I need to talk to someone but I don't know who to talk to," I said as I walked over toward him. 

"Ok well, we can go talk? Wanna go sit out by the pool deck?" He asked as he stood up from where he had been sitting. 

"That would be great," I smiled as the two of us walked over toward the door. 

"So what's up?" Ashton asked as we headed over to the doors that lead to the outdoor pool. 

"Well, I'm just overwhelmed. I don't really know what's going on with Carly but she seems off," I started, "And I'm really scared about moving out into a new city, and somethings going on between Luke and I, I don't even know what to call it, but we went out on an official date today." 

"Whoah, calm down." He smiled as he unlocked the doors that lead to the pool with the key card. 

"Ok so, what's going on with Carly. How's she acting different?" He asked. 

"Well, for one, she's constantly with Liam and she only talks about him and stuff. I mean I'm happy for her and all but I really wish she would make some time for me," I replied. 

"Well it's her loss, you're a great friend and she's missing out." 

"Thanks, Ash," I laughed.

I knew Ashton meant what he had said but it was a little cringey actually hearing it escape his mouth. 

"Anyways, I get why your nervous to move out, but you'll have Luke around," He stated as we walked over by some lounge chairs. 

As the warm sun hit my skin, I felt the cool air come and cool me off. I took a deep breath and I tried to relax before Ashton continued. 

"And whatever's going on between you and Luke, it'll be alright. The worst thing that could happen is that things might be awkward if this doesn't work out." He laughed. 

"Yeah I know but I really care about him. I'm just scared that he won't want to be with me or something because I'm Micheal's annoying ass twin sister." 

"Well, you could be his future girlfriend or something and Michael's annoying ass sister at the same time." He smiled. 

I punched him in the arm. I punched him harder than I punched Luke but not hard enough to hurt him. We both just started to laugh. 

"I'm glad that you trusted me enough to talk to me,"  He said as he relaxed on the lounge chair. 

"Well, thanks for being here." I smiled. 

Some time went on and we talked about what the boys did at the party last night and I told him about Luke and I's crazy adventure along with our first date thing. 

He was a better listener than Carly was. Carly would doze off into space once I opened my mouth and started to talk about anything. The only time she listened was when I was talking about drama or a crush or about her and Liam. 

I could tell Ashton really trusted me. He explained his thoughts and emotions really well through his words. He was also glad that I had opened up to him about how I was feeling about life. 

After some time, Ashton got a text from Michael saying that he's back and that he had food so we went back. 

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