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June 8th, 2014

Dear Diary,

Three days ago, the boys and I have arrived in St. Louis, where Michael, my twin brother, would be going to College. The drive to St. Louis was crazy long. It took us around 13 and a half hours to drive there. We all took turns driving. Each of us drove for around 2 and a half hours. I drove first, then Ashton drove, and Luke, then Calum, and lastly Micheal drove.

The car ride was intense. We were all tired of sitting in one spot and we kind of became crabby. I wanted to FaceTime Carly but I couldn't because I was surrounded by the boys. Instead I texted my mom and dad, I watched some netflix, and I slept.

We left Fort Collins at around 6 AM and we got there at around 7:40 PM because of the bathroom and eating breaks we took. We spent the rest of the day inside our hotel room just chilling. We were all SUPER exhausted.

We decided to change the sleeping arrangements since the hotel had 2 separate bedrooms, a mini kitchen/dining/living area, and a bathroom. Luke and Michael shared a room while I got my own room, and while Ashton and Calum slept on the pullout couch.

I liked this because I could spent time alone, I could change in my room, and I could talk on facetime with Carly and my mom.

We didn't do as much in St. Louis as we did in Fort Collins. The first day we spent touring Michael's campus and walking around the city. The city was bigger than Fort Collins.

We walked around and ate some really good pizza and then the boys and I split up into little groups and decided to do some stuff separately. I went with Calum and Michael to see the botanical gardens while Luke and Ashton went to the Zoo.

Once we got back to the hotel, we decided to go swimming. The pool was outside, and we got a beautiful view of the Gateway Arch. We didn't do much in the pool, we just kind of goofed off and then played Marco Polo.

On the last day we decided to go visit the Arch. It was very big. We got to go inside and ride up these scary trams, but it was ok because I had been next to Luke and he noticed that I was a little freaked out so he held my hand.

Not much happened between Luke and I in St. Louis. We hadn't spent too much time together because we were busy doing other things. I wasn't mad about it, it's not like he's my boyfriend or like he's obligated to hang out with me.

We took some pictures at the Arch and walked around inside before taking the trams back down. Afterwards, we decided to eat lunch. We decided to get Chinese food. It was some of the best Chinese food I've ever had to be honest.

Then we decided to go out and watch a baseball game at the Busch Stadium. We watched the Cardinals play against the Phillies. The Cardinals won the game.

Once we got back to the hotel, I took a shower, and I decided to FaceTime Carly. We talked until 2 in the moring before I realized that the next day, I would have to wake up early yet again so that we could travel to Chicago.

I was the one who was going to school in Chicgao. I was going to study at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

I was so excited. We decided to get a hotel in downtown Chicago since the drive wouldn't be that far from Evanston.

Michael and I had gone to Chicago a few times. My mom grew up there so she wanted to show us where she grew up. My grandparents used to live there as well before they decided to move out to Oregon.

I ended the call with Carly and I stepped out of my room to go to the mini kitchen area to grab something to drink. I saw Luke standing by the bathroom door looking at his phone. He must have gotten out of the shower a few moments before because he had wet hair.

I liked the way he looked with wet hair. His wet hair would rest on his forehead and every once in a while, a few little water droplets would fall on his eyelashes.

I grabbed my drink and walked over to him.

We talked for a little while before I said that I had to go to bed. He said that he needed to get some sleep as well because he was the designated driver for the trip tomorrow. He would have to drive around 5 hours to get to Chicago.

I then went over to my room and started writing this.

I really enjoyed the trip in St. Louis. Even though we didn't do much, I liked having some free time. I had a lot more time to relax compared to when we went to Fort Collins. In Fort Collins we were always doing something.


Sorry for the short update! I know this chapter sucked I'm sorry. I promise the next chapter will be more fun!

Redamancy- l.h.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora