
270 11 15

June 4, 2014

6:34 AM

"Hurry Up!" I opened the car window and yelled as my brother slowly walked out of the garage.

"Calm down, I'm right here." He said while taking another bite of his waffle.

"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" I smiled as they waved to us.

"Bye!" My brother smiled.

"Don't forget to call us!" My dad spoke.

"And don't cause trouble." My mom stated looking at my twin brother.

I closed the window and I started to back out of the driveway. The first stop was Calums house. He lived the closest to us.

"Can you text Cal and tell him we're outside?" I asked Micheal.

"Yeah sure," He replies as he pulls out his phone and starts texting.

A few minutes pass by and we see Calum walking out of his house hugging his mom and his sister before walking over to the trunk and placing his things inside.

"Hey look it's Cool Guy Cal!" Micheal says as brown-eyed boy got into the car.

"Hey guys," He said as he sat down in the seat behind me.

"Ready to go get Ash and Luke?" I asked while I looked through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah," he starts, "can we play some music?"

"Sure," I say as Michael connects his phone to the Bluetooth in the car.

"Here," he hands the phone over to Calum so he could play whatever he wanted to play.

As Calum chose the song he wanted to play, we pulled up to Luke's house. I texted him to leave his house because we were waiting for him and because Michael's phone was in Calums hands.

Little time goes by before the tall blonde boy walked out of his house, over to the back of the car, opened the trunk just as the previous boy did, placed his things inside, and got in the car.

"Hey, Breadstick!" Micheal exclaimed as Luke got in the car.

"Oh my gosh when will you guys get a nicer nickname for me?" He rolled his eyes as he went to go sit in the back of the minivan.

"You'll always be our little breadstick," Calum smiled at Luke.

"Whatever," he said as he buckled his seatbelt.

"Where's Ash?" Luke asked.

"We're on our way to get him right now," I said as I continued to drive carefully down the street.

When we pulled into Ashton's driveway, we had seen that he had been standing there waiting for us. He quickly placed his things in the trunk and got in the car.

"Hey Ash!" I said as he walked into the car.

"Hi," he stated as he buckled his seat belt just like everyone else did.

He was clearly tired, it looked as if he hadn't slept the night before. He probably stayed up last night packing.

"Hey, can we turn the music down, I didn't really get to sleep much last night." Ashton asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah sure," I say as I turned down the music Calum had chosen to play. He wanted to listen to some Green Day so he played his favorite album called American Idiot. I really like Green Day, but I never really listen to them as much as the boys did.

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