"Mum hoped around. We went on the Europe trip just visiting around everywhere. This time, he's Italian."

"Italian? I see. Do you like him?"

"What do you think?"

"I take that as no-"

"Y/N!" Tracey shouts before turning and shouting to her side, "Terence, they're over here."

Tracy scooches next to you, and Terence sits beside Blaise.

"Heard about your dad," Tracey says quietly, taking to Blaise.

"Stepdad," he corrects flatly, "And don't worry about it, not much of a loss."

"So, who's the new guy?" Terence asks, always intrigued with Mrs. Zabini's rendezvous, "Italian?"

"How did you know?" You blink, taken aback. You didn't think he'd get it on his first try, Mrs. Zabini has never dated an Italian, but maybe that's why she chose him.

"I don't know," Terence shrugs, "Just had a feeling."

"That's just creepy, don't do that," Blaise fake shudders, scooching away from Terence, squishing into the window.

"You think I can stop it? Besides, I was right. Maybe I'm psychic or something," he jokes, but when you look over at Tracey, she seems a bit worried at his statement. "Just kidding," Terence quickly adds as soon as he catches Tracey's reaction.

"How was your summer?" Blaise asks you.

"It was good-" you nod, not really wanting or having much to share. However, if you had something to add, you would've been interrupted by Tracey lightly kicking your ankle and eyeing the cart door.

You only get a glimpse because obviously, the culprits didn't want to be caught. But, you were positive you saw Draco and Pansy pass the windowed door. Within your glance, Draco had made the quickest flicker of eye contact, and since it had been so fast, you weren't even sure it had happened.

Tracey gives you a look, and you shake your head, trying to send the message, 'I have no idea either.' It was the truth. 

Pansy Parkinson

"They saw us," I say after sitting in five minutes of silence. 

Draco, who sits across from me, looking out the window with disinterest. His eyes flicker at me before retuning to stare at the grassy landscapes. 

"Yeah I know, I made eye contact with Y/N," he grunts, shifting in his seat. 

"Are you going to tell her?" I ask quietly, tapping my inner ankles together, looking down at the ground.

I know that Y/N would what to know. 

She'd want him to tell her.

Anybody would. 

"What does that matter to you?" He snaps and I can feel his hardening glare.

"It's just- that it's the right thing to do," I argue, pulling out fake confidence and glaring right back at him.

"Right, because you would know all about that, wouldn't you Pansy?"

I flinch at the use of my first name coming from Draco, after not hearing it for so long. But when the flinch leaves I'm left angry and bitter, "Well, it's not my fault you fucked me," I seethe, crossing my arms, and looking out the window. 

"And it's not my fault you agreed," he smiles mockingly, which makes me want to scream and slap him. 

"Fuck you," I grumble under my breath, just barely loud enough for him to hear. 

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ