T W E N T Y- E I G H T

Start from the beginning

Destinee walked pass Amaya making sure to brush into her. She had no clue why Amaya randomly decided to bother her again after leaving her alone for months and she didn't care to know. She was no longer going to let Amaya run over her and she needed to realize that—she should've realized that since Destinee beat her up in a classroom full of people.

The girls continued going about their days until it was time to clock out. Working full hours was tiring, but the paychecks were always worth it.

After work, the girls headed over to Kierra's house to chill. They watched a few episodes of Grand Army until they fell asleep on the couch.

After hearing that Dave didn't make it, the boys still didn't have a care in the world. Mostly JB, he wanted Dave dead a long time ago since he heard about the shit he tried with Kierra. Dave was a snake and that didn't sit right with them.

JB marched around the warehouse happily. They had two people that were now less of a problem—Dave who had recently been pronounced dead and Malek that Saw took care of feeding him food with poison.

Yesterday, a news report came on the news about a missing teenager. They said where he last was and how long he's been missing. They gave a description of the last thing he wore and provided a picture of his face. It happened to be Malek.

The boys prayed that JB was smart enough to cover his tracks. They didn't need any of his fingerprints popping up at Malek's house. The way JB went about the situation kidnapping him wasn't thought about thoroughly. He didn't care to think or make up a plan. After finding Malek's location he just went to get him. Getting caught up didn't seem to bother him at all, he knew why he did what he did.

A few men had just left the warehouse, they cleaned up the room that Malek was held captive in and took his body with them in a body bag.

"I hope you was smart enough to cover up the shit you did." Cam spoke to JB, JB replied with a shrug.

"Shit I don't remember."

"Fucking dumbass."

"You bitch." JB lashed back which made the boys abrupt in laughter.

"Nah on a serious note I hope you covered your shit up." TJ spoke up, "I can't imagine your dumb ass going to jail."

"You know how fast them niggas would get your scrawny ass." Cam added. Him and TJ shared a laugh, JB looked at the both of them with a mean mug.

"Mane fuck y'all. I'm not getting caught up for shit."

Jeremiah was more than confident saying that. He refused to believe that there was a possibility of him getting caught. He didn't remember exactly what he did that night but he knew that he couldn't be dumb enough to leave any evidence behind.

Cam decided to look more into it. He sent a few of their men out to see what they could find. He wanted to make sure nothing traced back to JB. He couldn't help but to let out a laugh after remembering how JB brought Malek to them—butt naked straight out the shower. It was clear as day that JB didn't even think through his plan.

"What the fuck you laughing for." JB mugged Cam.

"You brought that nigga to us butt ass naked." Cam laughed, TJ soon joined. "You had a nigga butt ass naked in your backseat."

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