5: Crystal Hunters

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"Where's the Frodgin?" Ginger whispered.

"Told him about it before bed but he ain't interested." Mason shoved his hand in his pocket and with his paw he scratched his head.

"You're not thinkin' of a prank, are you?" Scotch narrowed his eyes and rolled them when Mason nodded with a grin. River cleared her throat. She was wearing some quite shear pajamas that Scotch didn't want to look at.

"We have to get them for looking at us like we're trash." River put her hands on her hips. "We gotta stand up for ourselves. Officer Dornt's a city guy. He won't understand why we can't live together."

"B'sides," Ginger began in a loud voice when River shushed her. "B'sides," she whispered this time, "I cain't with that Tiigla. Desiree's gotten on me nerves."

"We have to make them want to change rooms. They're not like us, Scotchie, putting our rooms on that Forgiveness Program or whatever it was. We're just payin' for any dorm room that's open in this buildin' but they're payin' for the rooms. All the other rooms are taken so all we have is to switch amongst ourselves."

Mason sounded like he did a lot of research on this when River raised her hand. "I looked it all up for you, you're welcome."

Scotch pursed his lips, taking in the situation. "So, the pranks are for making them wanna not live with us. Make them wanna live with each other instead."

"Yep." Ginger nodded. "Not temporare-ly but forever. The entire time we're 'ere."

It sounded like a good idea, but the pranking part was what he wasn't sure he was up for. They had just gotten to Cataloogy and they were already getting themselves into trouble. What if the officers found out? Scotch, Mason, River, and Ginger would be made to turnaround and go back with their dreams crushed if things went wrong.

Amiss. Awry. Bad. But I should be optimistic, too. Success. Victory. Win. He came here to become a policeman. But how could he concentrate on that when there was a nuisance in his room? There was no guarantee that Christoph had enough. There was a pretty good chance he and Desiree would want to make out tomorrow night, too. If not in that room, the females' room.

"Hey, Scotchie, you in or not?" Mason said and the others were standing in a circle with their hands out in the middle. With a sigh, Scotch joined them. He knew that without him, at least Mason would run amok. He wasn't sure about River and Ginger, but Mason wasn't always a good judge of situations.

Again, how did this dumb Ropardia even manage to pass the test with flying colors?

"On the count of three." River said in a whisper. "One, two, three."

"Crystal Hunters!" they whispered in unison.

"We'll talk details over breakfast and lunchbreak," Mason said before River could open her mouth. She gave him a long glare before flicking her hair around and returned to her room.

Scotch squeezed Mason's cheek. "Ow, ow, what?"

"I think she likes you, Mason." He chuckled when Mason looked surprised. "Try to let her take the reigns next time. Goodnight." He didn't wait for Mason to reply and opened the door to his room quietly and slipped back into bed. Mason was a playboy who wasn't good at playing. That's where Scotch filled in for him, telling him when a guy or girl actually liked him because Scotch was just observant like that.

When it comes to my own stuff, I'm clueless. I can never see what's before me. He took out his Bolt to check it and saw he had gotten a message from Tyler a few minutes ago.

Sup. Just checking to see if this works.

Yeah, works. Scotch was about to send when he realized Tyler didn't say anything about the incident at dinner. Was he sorry for laughing? Did he know Scotch was in some kind of mental turmoil? Was it even worth mentioning? Maybe he could get an apology out. But would that be like opening a can of worms?

Paws Chase Murder Case ✓| bxb, police drama, urban fantasyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora