''O-oh my! You going to be working here?''

''Um..'' You sadly trailed off, but you masked that emotion extremely well.

''I'm not sure actually. I was thinking about it because I do miss this place, especially because Itachi is buried here. I feel a lot closer to him when I'm in this town. But..'' You trailed off, but before you could attempt to continue, a voice interrupted.


Deep. Manly. Instant shivers down your spine.

Looking behind you, your stomach did back flips for some odd reason. No ways this bullshit was still at play 7 years later.

''Y-Yami, I mean Mr Sukehiro!'' You accidently blurted out in a fluster. Surprised to have seen him.

Clearing her throat, Orihime got up. '' W-Well I n-need to go. Here's my number! We should hang out some time again! Bye!'' Orihime gave you a subtle wink, hinting the obvious before leaving you two alone.

''Please, again, call me Yami. You not my student anymore and years have passed. '' His deep as ever voice spoke.

''R-right, sorry. Old habits.''

''According to the exact years, you should be done studying medicine?'' Yami asked, exhaling a breath of smoke away from you to be polite. Smoking constantly still? Indeed old habits die hard.

''Yes I am thank god. It was a long journey.''

You weren't oblivious to the smirks and sniggers. Everyone knew in high school about your crush on Yami, not knowing he wasn't the man you gave your attention to anymore back then. But to someone else...
Now to have him sit next to you so casually chatting painted an intimate picture. Not that you cared. It is no more illegal since you are not his student anymore.

''How's the kid?'' Yami recalled from his last meeting with you.

Instantly smiling at the thought of your child, ''She's good. Maleeka is a handful sometimes - probably adopted my habits but other than that she's a good child. ''

''You have a picture of her?" Yami questioned, startling you a bit.

''Y-you really interested about her?"

Taking in another pull from his cigarette, ''Yes, why not? She's a great part of your life.'' He casually spoke.

Shielding your pink blush, you switched on your phone. Subconsciously scooting closer over to Yami as you showed him the pictures. So close your hair was practically touching his muscular shoulder.

''She looks very happy and very much like him.'' Yami bluntly commented, causing your heart to break a little upon remembering him.

''Y-yeah she is a happy child. Although I know sometimes she puts on a strong front to not worry me. Things aren't always easy. '' You purposely ignored the last part of his sentence.

Something that didn't go unnoticed by Yami. ''Have you spoken to him yet?" He pushed.

Sighing, you switched your phone off and held his gaze. ''No I haven't and I will not. He made it clear to me he wants nothing to do with me or his child. I'm not going to get in his way.''

''You do know he is here right?" Yami enquired.

Growing stiff and fearful, your heart froze. ''No. I did not know that! Where is he? Oh god, I hope he didn't see me..'' You whispered to Yami with immense strain dripping from your voice.

''11 o'clock from you, and trust me. He did see you and still does. He has barely taken his eyes off you since you came.'' Yami said with a somewhat amused undertone.

''Oh shit.. He's going to kill me. I need to go anyways. I only was going to stay for a few minutes anyways.'' You nervously stated before getting up, but was stopped by Yami's arm loosely wrapped around your arm.

''If he wanted to kill you he would've done it already. He gets to kill openly in this town now without consequences. He is probably admiring how you look. '' Yami stated, pushing slightly passed the teacher boundary.

''How I look?" You looked back at him in a confused manner.

''Don't act like you don't know how breathtaking you look. You do know that you are going to have to talk to him eventually to get permission to stay in this town. He controls that too to minimise threats against him.'' Yami added to mask his compliment.

''W-what?! Are you crazy! I am never speaking to him. He now knows I'm here. If he wants me to leave he will send someone to get rid of me. However right now I just want to enjoy the time I am back here!'' You replied with much sass in your tone.

''But I really do have to go. I don't want to leave my daughter alone for too long. She practically forced me to go to this thing - saying I need to go out more often, but I know she just wanted me gone to sit and watch Netflix while stuffing her face with junk food.'' You shook your head in disapproval but also in determination to catch her in the act burning within your eyes.

Standing up too, ''Let me walk you to your car at least then.'' Yami said, expressing his understanding of your sudden departure.

''N-no I am okay thank you.'' You politely declined.

Walking ahead of you, Yami stopped and looked back at you. ''I'm not taking no for an answer just because you are worried about how it'll look to others. I told you, you and I are not a student and teacher pair anymore. '' Yami saw right through your hesitation.

With your face turning flush, you nervously fidgeted with your purse in contemplation.

He was right.

Attempting to give him a smile, you nodded as you took your place next to him.

''Why is he even here though? This reunion is the last thing he would attend. I'm sure he has so much more important things to do than come to a silly high school reunion.'' You whispered to the smoker as you walked out.

''I can think of a reason why." Yami commented.


''Hn.'' He merely grunted.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now