Walking away arm interlocked, ''It seemed you needed saving from them.'' She sweetly stated.

''Oh my god you have no idea! Thank you! That was too much testosterone for my liking.'' You appreciatively smiled.

''Well, have you seen you? Y/n you are looking so hot! Aging is definitely your friend.''

''I do feel really pretty today hihi.'' You smugly agreed as you twirled around confidently. Confidence looked so good on you. Everyone could see you developed this new airy confidence that drew people to your energy. You definitely were not blended into the background anymore.

''I'm so used to being in sweats and pajama's that I take any opportunity to dress up. Wait -'' You stopped dead in your tracks upon noticing a big shiny diamond on Orihime's finger.

''Is this what I think it is?" You whispered in awe, taking her hand and studying it.

Blushing and looking away, Orihime replied. ''Yes it is. I'm married now!''

''No flipping way!'' You accidently yelled causing several people to look your direction.

Realizing the attention, you laughed lightly to yourself before placing your hand over your mouth from embarrassment. ''Orihime I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you actually got a guy like Grimmjow to settle down!" You whispered excitedly.

Crushing her from your embrace, you held her hand again to analyse the diamond. ''My god, I can only imagine how expensive this ring is! Especially since I've seen on the news that all of them have taken over almost everything. You are legit sitting on a gold mine!''

Turning pinker, Orihime shook her heard vigorously. ''You know I don't care about his wealth.'' She humbly replied.

Rolling your eyes, ''Agh, girl please! You don't care about his wealth but you damn well like the fact he is rich! Don't even try and be modest here!'' You playfully teased causing her to lightly chuckle.

''It is nice to be spoilt..'' Orihime shyly muttered.

Laughing with her, ''See! Don't feel scared to tell me that!''

''But enough about me though! How's Yale? Grimmjow mentioned you went there to study medicine. ''

Sighing sharply, ''One word. HARD.'' You replied.

''The work and practicals they piled me up with was nothing I have ever experienced Orihime. The only thing that kept me going was thinking about how I need to create a good life for my kid.'' You whispered the last part to ensure no one could hear.

''Oh my god yes! How could I forget about that! How is she? And how's motherhood?" She whispered back.

Smiling bitter-sweetly, your eyes grew distant. ''Raising her and studying medicine was the most difficult experience I have ever gone through..There were countless of days were I had to function on no sleep because of her crying. I would legit be breastfeeding her while studying. But that's not the worst part. The worst part was I had to take her with me during my exams. Luckily she was asleep the entire time but still! I'm not going to lie. I had so many mental break downs. ''

Looking at you with shell shocked eyes, Orihime held your hand in a supportive manner. ''Wow Y/n..I always knew you as independent and strong, but not this strong. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that alone..You should've called me or something! I would've flown to you in a heartbeat to help out.''

''Thanks, but when I left this place I was sure to not come into contact with anyone. Just go missing from the face of the earth was the plan. But don't worry! It's all good now! I am done studying! My graduation is in a few months.''

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now