She let out a scream with him as the bubble tore open, letting the water gush out. Thanks to gravity, they both fell down into the pool of remaining water.

Ezra groaned as he felt Athena hit him on their way down into the pool of water. They shot up and gasped for air once they breached the surface.

Athena let out a scream of horror whilst Ezra just laughed.

She looked to the boy next to her and splashed him with water. "You idiot!"

Ezra just laughed. "That was great!"

"We could have died!"

"But we didn't!" Ezra grinned, meeting Athena's eyes.

They were sopping wet now standing there in the pool. Athena's ponytail clung to her back as Ezra's mop of blue hair stuck to his face.

After a second of staring at the boy, Athena couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. "You saved my life."

"Aw it was nothing," he dramatically waved it off. He looked at her with a sly eye. "Though, it was an act that prompts one to give a kiss of thanks~"

She splashed him again. "Disgusting."

Ezra laughed.

She splashed him again, "Stop laughing, idiot!"

He splashed her back.


Soon enough, water was flying in a turbulent war between the two teens. Ezra was just thankful she didn't decide to use her powers on him. Just plain splashing. Like normal kids.

"Agh!" Athena shouted as the water got in her mouth. "Jerk!"

Ezra was yelped as he felt the water around him lift upwards, Athena the force behind it. She picked him up in the water and shoved him out of the pool. Unfortunately, she miscalculated the fact that she was in the water too and got sucked into the same stream she had sent Ezra flying in.

They coughed once they hit the grass outside of the pool.

"What are you two doing?"

They looked up to see Hera and Kanan. The pool they just got shoved out of was a few meters away from the clearing of trees - meaning they were outside of the 'camp'.

Okay, which do they explain first? Nearly getting killed racing up a tree? Using the ground bubble as a cushion for the fall? Ezra breaking the bubble open when he jumped on it? Or them splashing each other in the pool?

"Don't look at me," Athena stated and nodded to Ezra. "I was minding my business and he came along."

Hera furrowed her eyebrows, "Were you two swimming in this pool? We have one over there?" she gestured to the one closer to the ship.

Athena and Ezra stood and began to shake the water off themselves.

"We..." Ezra realized that racing up a tree was a bad idea to bring up to them, seeing it almost got Athena killed. "We accidentally popped this ground bubble and fell in?"

"What? What were you two doing when you popped the bubble?" Kanan questioned.

Athena sighed. Ezra was terrible at cover-ups apparently.

"We jumped on the bubble at the same time and it broke," Athena said. "We thought it would be a cool trampoline."

Ezra let out a sigh of relief mentally. Thank Force Athena was better at twisting stories to make them look better.

"Alright, go and dry up. I don't want you in my ship until you're semi-dry." Hera instructed. "Maybe you two can make us a little fire pit."

The teens sighed, following their captain's orders. They looked at each other.

Family by Heart - REWRITE(a Star Wars Rebels story)Where stories live. Discover now