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It was nearly sunset on Bakunyuu. The sky was lit up with a hundred shades of gold and orange as the final beams of sunshine glowed amongst the clouds.

Athena was just about half-way up a tree when she heard a voice from below.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

She gripped the branch in her hand a little tighter as she forced herself to look down. A boy with orange clothes and blue hair stood at the bottom of the tree. He looked up to her in curiosity.

"Um...climbing a tree?" she called down.


"Why are you asking?"


She rolled her eyes and continued climbing upwards.

After a few moments, she froze again as she felt a vibration travel up the tree and the leaves shake a little more.

Soon enough, Ezra's face was next to hers. Hanging onto the branches just beyond the ones she held onto, Ezra had already scaled most of the tree in a moment's notice.

"Can I join?"

She blinked a few times out of shock before she spoke. "Um, I don't think I can exactly stop you?"

"Cool. Are we going to the top?"

She shrugged, "I was."

"Race ya," he dared, a smirk on his lips.

She rolled her eyes once more and scoffed. "I didn't climb this tree to enter into a race."

"Is it because you know you'll lose?" he provoked.

"Fine. And if I lose?"

"You gotta admit I'm better at holo-pod racing."

"We'll see about that," Athena guffawed. "On three?"

"Okay: one, two, three!" Ezra quickly counted and soon sprinted up the tree.

"Hey! Cheater!" she began to chase upwards after him.

"You just gotta be faster!" Ezra laughed, continuing to scale the tree. His Jedi senses and heightened jumps greatly helping him gain ground.

"You are so-"


The world fell around her. All the blood drained from Athena's face as she felt the wind rush past her body.

She was so high up.

Gravity was so fast.

It pulled at her like a cement block in the middle of a pool.

Faster and Faster.

Ezra had nearly no time to think.

He stretched out his hand and used the Force.

She flew off her current path.

Athena soon felt something hit her back. It engulfed her like a pillow.

She sunk into the bubble of water engulfed in a membrane of dirt and moss and sprung up back into the air - screaming with the impact.

Ezra sighed with relief as he saw the girl bounce back down onto the bubble. He chuckled, seeing how fun the trampoline-like bubble looked.

"Geronimo!" he shouted.

Athena was wide-eyed as she watched Ezra leap from the tree towards her. Soon enough, she was thrown up into the air as Ezra landed on the ground bubble with her.

Family by Heart - REWRITE(a Star Wars Rebels story)Where stories live. Discover now