SpencerReidxReader High School Sweethearts

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This is inspired by the song High School Sweethearts by Melanie Martinez

My relationship with Dr.Spencer Reid can only be described as interesting. We met at a book club about a year ago. We became best friends quickly. I have a lot of problems that Spencer offered to help me through, and he did. Everything was fine until I started reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Spencer started laughing about how terrible they represented doms and bdsm in general. That made me ask the question. "Spencer fucking Reid are you a dominant?" That's how I got here.

I've always had the hots for Spencer Reid but I never thought I'd be doing this.

Spencer and I are facing towards each other on my couch. His hand is squeezing my face and the other is on my thigh.

"What do you want me to do?" Spencer asks

"Could you hold me through the night? Put your lips all over mine?" 

Spencer is analyzing my face, and slightly moving my face as he does.

"Salty face when I start crying"

We both know it would be inevitable-I cry too much. 

I pause before saying this.

"Could you be my first time?"

Spencer looks very suprised. "You're a virgin?"

I nod.

"Could you eat me up like apple pie?"

Spencer smirks and laughs a little. I do too.

"Make me not wanna die"

Spencers smile fades a little. We both know how bad my issues are, but we also both know I won't act on them./

I smile again. "Love me rough and let me fly" Spencer moves closer to my face.

"Get me up and get me high"

Spencer leans in and whispers in my ear. "I would love to eat you up like apple pie."

"Tie me down, don't leave my side."

I sigh. "Don't be a waste of my time."

"I can promise you I most definitely won't be a waste of your time." He whispers before letting go of my hand and kissing me hard.

Ik this is short and stupid but I thought it was fun.

Fun fact my friend shifts and she had spencer name his left ball after me is her dr. 


I hope you all are doing well. I've been feeling more motivated to write lately so thats fun. 

Also I might make a fanfic based off this one shot I'm not sure yet tho. 

Tell me about your day.

love you all <3

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