SpencerReidxReader Valentines Day*

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I'm taking a break from the files for a moment to get a cup of coffee. Emily comes in soon after me.

"Sooo what are you and Spencer doing for valentine's day" Emily asks with a smirk

Spencer didn't come into work today. I'm not sure if he's sick or is having a bad day but I don't think anything's happening tonight.

"I don't know honestly" I shrug "Normally we have a whole night together but I don't know why he isn't at work"

Emily looks at my sympathetically "Yeah that sucks" Emily's sympathetic look is replaced by another smirk "but hey if he doesn't get you off tonight come over to my place and I'll get you off many times"

We both laugh

"Thanks for the offer Em some day I may have to take you up on that" I smirk

Emily grabs a mug and starts pouring her coffee

"So what does this whole night entail"

"Well" I hesitate, not sure if I want to expose this part of my relationship to her. Emily is my best friend and I tell her almost everything but this is something Spencer and I have kept to ourselves.

Emily must see my hesitation and she gently grabs my arm.

"Hey you don't have to tell me anything you aren't comfortable with. Just know I won't judge you for anything"

I nod

"Normally Spencer and I are pretty kinky in bed" Emily looks surprised and I raise my eyebrow.

"Sorry" She giggles "I'm not judging I just cant imagine Spencer being kinky"

"Maybe if you join us sometimes you'll see" I wink and she blushes "Anyways were very into bdsm and most things surrounding it. Honestly we rarely ever have normal sex or 'make love'"

Emily looks at me confused "So you don't want to do the kinky stuff with Spence"

"No no I do it's just I want to just be with him more. You know make love more often"

"That makes sense but what does this have to do with valentine's day"

"Valentines day is the one day we always make love"

Emily smiles "That's cute"

I do a half smile "Yeah it is I'm just worried we won't get to this time"

Emily comforting rubs my shoulder "It'll be fine you'll see"

Emily starts walking away but turns around so she's whispering in my ear from behind.

"And I mean it if he doesn't make love to you come over and I will" Emily pauses "That offer is always available"

I shiver while Emily laughs as she walks away.


I'm opening the door to my apartment. I had texted Spencer earlier to make sure he was okay but he didn't answer. I'm planning on going over to his house in an hour or so just to check up on him.

Pushing the key into my door I notice the door is already unlocked. Immediately I get out my glock and slowly open the door.

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