EmilyPrentissxReader Let Go of Me

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Emily and I are at our favorite bar. We thought about inviting the team out with us but decided we needed a couples night out by ourselves. I'm sitting at the bar ordering our favorite drinks while Emily sits at our table. Normally we would stick together but it's crowded and we don't want to be left without a table.

"Two vodka martinis please"

"One for me I hope" A man says

I turn towards the man who is now sitting behind me. He's not terrible looking. He has brown hair blue eyes and a nice build, not my type though.

"No sorry" I say kindly, he's probably just looking for someone to talk to and I don't want to be mean if I don't have to.

"Hm what a shame" He fakes a sigh

"Why is that" I ask sarcastically

"Because I think we could have a good time together"

I scoff "Don't think so"

"Why is that" He repeats what I said earlier

"You're not my type"

He looks shocked and kind of offended"Oh really"

"Yep" I say popping the p

"The names blake"

"I didn't ask" I say as I grab Emily and I'd drinks that the bartender just placed in front of me.

"You should've"

I decide to just ignore him and go back to Emily, but as soon as I get up he gets up too.

"Where do you think you're going"

"To see my girlfriend" I smile

"tsk tsk tsk that's just not right come with me and I can change you"

Did he really just say that?!

"No thanks" I say as I try to move passed him but he doesn't let me.

"I don't think so"

Suddenly Blake grabs my shoulders and pushes me into the closest wall. I yelp and drop my drinks when my back harshly touch's the hard wall. The music is too loud for anyone to hear me or the drinks that have just fallen.

"Let go of me" I demand

"No" He says as he leans in to kiss me and I try to move. "Not so fast" He tightens his grip on me so I can no longer move. "I haven't even started with you yet" He leans in to kiss my neck. My attempts to get away aren't working. As soon as he starts kissing my neck I scream "EMILY" I cry but the music is so loud I'm not sure anyone heard.

"Your little girlfriend isn't gonna be able to save you now" He says with a sadistic smile on his face. 

Suddenly he starts touching me. Running his hands on my side and moving up to my breasts. Tears start streaming down my face as I continue to try and fight him off.  His hands start moving under my clothes. "Why don't we go to the bathroom and get you out of these" He says and my heart drops. I see Emily over at the bar confused, probably wondering where I am. The little hope that was just taken away from me returned, so with all the energy I have left in me I scream. "EMILY PLEASE HELP ME" I scream but it comes off as more of a sob.

Emilys head turns towards me and the man. Her confused look quickly turns into a look of anger? no. Rage. She quickly storms over and taps the name on the shoulder. 

He finally lets go of me and smiles at Emily. "Well hello there pretty lady" He put his arm on her shoulder. Emilys eyes move to look at his hand and she looks back at him disgusted. "Would you like to join u-" The man doesn't get to finish his sentence. Just as he was about to Emily punched him right in the nose. My jaw dropped is shock, but I wasn't disappointed and I wouldn't expect any less from Emily. I would do the same in her place. Quickly I run up to Emily and hug her tightly, whispering a thank you in her ear before letting go of her. She looks confused as I let go but doesn't question it. I turn to see the man still holding his nose with a look of anger across his face. 

"Y-You bitch" He says before I kick him right where it hurts most. The man falls to the ground holding onto where I just kicked him. I kneel down next to him. 

"You crazy bitch you just assulted me" He says in a strained voice. 

"No you see Blake I just excersied my very legal right to self defence but you" I put my hand under his chin harshly to make him look up at me and I smile. "You just assulted a federal agent" His face drops and he looks like he's seen a ghost "You'll be hearing from my lawyer" I roughly let go of his chin and start to walk away. 

"You don't even know my last name. Plus no one would believe you, with all these females making false accusations lately."

Emily shows me her phone that lights up with texts between her and Garcia. Garcia's already found out everything about him. "God I love you Emily" I whisper. He's 24 lives with his mom, his dads in prison for something very similar as to what he's going to go to prison for, he just graduated from some crapy online college and doesn't have a job. Blake Smith is his full name and he seems to have quite the record. He has 3 restraning orders against him from all past girlfriends. Makes sense, he seems like the abusive type. 

"Well Blake Smith I think you'll be very happy to finally be reunited with your father after what is it 5 years? Sad Your mom will be all alone though. At least you're only 24 so you might get to actually live after getting let out. Depending on if any of these exes have stories no ones heard yet that are waiting to be told. Anyways gotta go Blake I'll see you in court"

The look of his face is priceless. "H-how did you know all that" He asks "What are you some kind of physic" 

I just smirk and walk out of the bar.

Emily and I walk in silence to our apartment. It's only a ten minute walk from here. Once we turn the corner I wrap my arms around her neck and finally process what just happened. I start sobbing hysterically in her arms and she immediately returns my tight hug. 

"Emily h-he was go-going to ra-r" I sob. I'm not able to say it.

"Oh Baby I know. I am so sorry I wasn't there I should've been there. He wouldn't have done that If I wasn't there I am so so sorry"

"It-it's not your fault"

I hold onto her tighter "Emily I don't know how to feel"

"You don't have to know how to feel Princess just when we get home write down everything from your perspective and I'll write it from mine so we don't leave any details out when we talk with our lawyers"


She pulls away but my hands stay on her waist. Emily holds my face in her hands.

"I love you so much Y/n Y/l/n You are so incredibly strong. You are amazing and perfect. You're everything to me" Emily says lovingly and places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too Ems"

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