EmilyPrentissxReader Relapse

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I relapsed.

After a whole year.

I'm disappointed in myself and I'm scared for myself

But most of all I'm terrified for when my girlfriend friends out.

She's the one who helped me get clean in the first place.

Two weeks have passed and I don't think she's noticed. There's no way she hasn't noticed me not changing in front of her or wanting to have sex but she hopefully isn't thinking too much of it.

The thing is during these past two weeks I wasn't convincing myself to stop. I wasn't listening to the voice that told me this is crazy, I only listened to the voice that told me about how good it felt.

And it did feel good.

Emily and I just got home from work and she looks frustrated. I walk up to her and hug her from behind. She instantly tenses up.

She doesn't know does she

I choose to ignore it.

"Whats going on love you seem frustrated" I say while starting to kiss her neck

She tilts her head to the side to give me better access. "I am frustrated"

"Why is that"

"We haven't had sex in two weeks" she sighs and turns towards me

"Can we change that" She asks quietly not wanting to push me

I think for a minute before deciding I'll just keep my shirt on, because if I'm being honest I wanted this just as much as she does.


Before I know it we made our way to our bed and she's on top on me. Emily pulls her shirt off and in the moment I forget about the cuts and take off my shirt.

Emily goes from being super smiley to tearing up in a matter of seconds.

"Please tell me that isn't what I think it is" She says quickly and sadly

"Em I can explain"

"Explain what that you didn't come to me when you knew you needed me" she starts to raise her voice

"I'm in pain Emily"

"Baby we've talked about this you said you would come to me"

"But I knew you would talk me out of this"

She sighs and tears start to fall out of her gorgeous brown eyes.

"How long" Emily says as she stops making eye contact and sticks her tongue out to the side. It's so cute when she does that but I know she's in deep thought

"two weeks"

It clicks in her mind and the tears start streaming faster down her face.

"Oh god" She puts her hand to her mouth

"The signs were all there and I ignored them"

"No Emily I didn't want you to find out so you didn't"

"What can I do please tell me I cant stand knowing you're doing this to yourself"

I shrug

"Can I kiss them"

I shrug again

Emily takes my right arm carefully and gently kisses over all my scars, new and old. Then she does the same with the left arm.

"Are there any more"

I nod and slightly pull down my pants so she can see my hip. Emily let's out a small gasp but goes to kiss my scars again.

After she's done she kisses my nose then my lips.

"I love you so much please tell me how I can help"

"Just don't leave me"

"I won't"

Hi ahah ik this is dark but instead of dealing with my issues i write one shots😌

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