EmilyPrentissxReader Panic

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Suddenly my vision is blurred by so many tears to the point I cant even see anymore.

"Emily I cant i-i cant Em"

I cant breathe.

I'm shaking.

My whole body feels numb.


I need Emily but I don't know where she is

I feel arms pull me into a tight hug.

Who's holding me



I couldn't hear, I couldn't hear Emily's cry's. Telling me that she's here, that it's okay.

I try so hard to get out of the grasp of whoever is holding me. Their hold is too tight and I know I won't be able to escape. Eventually I give in, not fighting anymore.

I fall limp onto the floor, but someone catches me and pulls me into their lap. I'm not able to catch my breath still but something about this person holding me is soothing.

"Baby I'm right here" I hear the love of my life's voice, except her voice is shaking and she sounds almost broken.

"I love you so much I'm right here"

She kisses my temple

"I'm never leaving you. Ever"

I look into her eyes finally and see the loving compassionate eyes I fell in love with and as sudden as my frantic feelings came they were gone.

I cup her little beautiful face in my hands and give her a soft kiss. She kisses back gently and then moves back slightly, our foreheads touching.

"Your lips are soft after you cry" she states

"hmm" is all i say

"I love you" Emily tells me

"I love you" I reply

She gives me a little nose kiss, my favorite

"Let's get you to bed princess"

Emily picks me up bridal style and carries me into our shared bed. Once she places me on our bed she starts to undress me. Not in a sexual way, in a caretaker way, like someone helping their young child get dressed. She puts me in my favorite pair of sweatpants and my favorite tank top. After she takes my dirty clothes and puts them in the hamper she gets herself into sweatpants and a tank top. We both preferred sleeping in sweatpants and tank tops because we wouldn't get too hot at night or too cold.

Emily lays down next to me and pulls me against her so I'm laying on her chest. She knows the sound of her heartbeat and her warm chest always bring me comfort. Emily starts loving playing with my hair and finally speaks.

"What's going through that pretty little head of yours Baby?"

"I don't know something just hit me and suddenly I couldn't breathe"

"What is that something"

Most people would think Emily needs to back off and that she's prying but she knows I won't tell her unless she wants me to. Not because I don't want to tell her, I do. It's because I don't want to be a bother.

Suddenly Emily gently grabs my chin between her index finger and her thumb, and moves me so I'm looking at her. She carefully gives me a soft kiss before liking back into my eyes.

"You don't have to tell me if you aren't ready Y/n but I know you. I know you won't tell me if I don't ask."

"It's nothing really"

She sighs

"If you aren't ready to tell me don't tell me but" her voice immediately changed, it got more stern "do not say it's nothing"

"I genuinely don't know Bubs I have no idea what happened" I sigh, looking away from her

"Okay baby. What do you need?" She says as she brings my attention back to her eyes

"Just hold me please"


The rest of the night Emily just held me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear until we both fell asleep.

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