EmilyPrentissxReader Love Hurts pt.1

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I've never loved someone this much

So much that it hurt. It physically pained me when I wasn't around you. And the best part was you loved me just the same. You always made sure I knew that too. Between our dates our long night talks our long nights with a little less talking and falling asleep in your arms every night I knew you loved me just as much as I love you.

Now all I can do is think.

Think about the love you gave me. The things you made me feel.

Because now your gone. You left. I know you didn't want to. If you had any say in this at all you would still be here in my arms. But I know I will never have the pleasure of holding you again.

As I sit by your grave tears start to form in my eyes.

God I love you so much Emily. And it hurts so much knowing I will never be able to smell your hair or wake up to your beautiful morning voice again.

I've distanced myself from the team. I plan on leaving and never coming back. Except to visit you, but I'll never let them know I'm in town. My resignation letter is in my left hand and a ticket to Paris is in my right hand. You always wanted to go to Paris but now you'll never get the chance.

I wish you were still here with me. I wish you didn't get kidnapped. I wish you didn't have to spend your last days in pain, being tortured. I have no clue what he did to you because I wouldn't let the team tell me but I knew it was bad.

The rest of the team was in bad shape too, but their whole world didn't revolve around you. Actually you were my world. I have no clue how I am going to cope with the loss of you, the love of my life.

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