SpencerReidxReader Breaking Point

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Your life came crashing down all at once. Your parents died in a car accident, a week ago you were kidnapped by an unsub then saved by the team. Today pushed you over the edge though. Today you found out that your boyfriend Spencer Reid had cheated on you. He slept with another girl. And not just any girl, the girl he told you not to worry about. Maeve.

Now you sit on your couch in Spencer and yours shared apartment, sobbing. The tears started coming about an hour ago and they never stopped. Spencer doesn't know you know yet. Honestly you don't know the whole story. You don't know if it was more than once. If he actually had feelings for her or it was just sex. You just didn't know. You had started hyperventilating about ten minutes ago and could feel yourself getting hysterical. Just then the front door opened and there stands who used to be the love of your life.

"Oh god baby what's going on" Spencer says panicked as he frantically closes the door and walks over to you.

All you can do is laugh though. Amusement coming to you from his worrying about your sadness caused by him. That only makes Spencer more confused about the situation.

How can he not remember what he did.

Spencer makes his way over to you and sits next to you on the couch. He tries to reach out and comfort you, but his touch is the last thing you want right now. Immediately you get up and start pacing around the living room. Still sobbing and hyperventilating, but also laughing like a maniac.

"Y/n please tell me what happened I want to help" Spencer says pathetically

That only causes you to laugh more. His constant need to comfort you for pain he caused seems to be the funniest thing you've ever heard. Spencer walks over to you and grabs your shoulders to stop you from walking away again. That was a bad idea. The feeling of him touching you after knowing went he did sent you over the edge. You let out continuous sobs as you started to hit his chest. Being violent really isn't your thing, you always tried to avoid it at all costs, but somehow this seemed like the only thing you could do. You aren't strong enough to actually hurt him. As you hit his just you let out sobs and screams asking him why he did it. While tears are still flowing down your face and you haven't taken a true breath in who knows how long.

"Why did you do that"

"What makes her so much better than me"

"God I though you loved me"

"I love you so much you bastard"

"I was literally just kidnapped and tortured and both my parents died and you decided now to cheat on me"

"You told me I didn't have to worry about her"

You scream all these things at him while pounding into his chest. Along with the constant repeating of 'I hate you'. Which as much as you wish it were wasn't true. You still loved him with everything in you.


Tears fall from your eyes like a waterfall

"FIGHT" You scream at the top of you lungs "BACK"

"YOU ARE A SELFISH BASTARD" You scream at the top of your lungs and hit his chest one last time before he grabs your wrist. Right as he does that your limbs give out and you fall to the floor. Spencer goes down with you and pulls you into his lap.

"What did I do wrong Spencer" You ask while still sobbing

"When did it happened"

"You didn't do anything wrong Y/n" Spencer finally says but it's not enough

"Then what" You try to yell but your voice had been lost from screaming before.

You started rambling and asking any and every question that came to mind.

"Am I not pretty enough? Is she prettier? Do I need to lose weight? Am I not good in bed? Did you want to have sex more often? Did you fall out of love with me? Did you start to hate me? Or was I just not enough? I don't understand this Spencer please explain. Help me understand"

Spencer says and looks at the ground. His mind caught up with him. He knows what you're asking about.

"There aren't any excuses or reasons I can give for my actions"

"YES THERE IS" You once again try to yell but you're reminded of my earlier screams

"I'm sorry but nothing I say will make it better"

"Get out" You whisper

"What" He looks at you confused and shocked.

Did he think you didn't have the guts to kick him out?

"GET OUT" You scream

After fighting with him about your mental stability and the treat of leaving you alone you were finally able to get him to leave. Only after agreeing to let Emily come over and comfort you.

Before Emily comes you take action into your own hands. You didn't know exactly what you were going to do yet. All you knew was that you had reached your breaking point.

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