Chapter 1: Prologue

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Hey guys! I'm starting this new story and I'm really exited! This chapter is just the Prologue, and I promise the plot AND the writing will get better, this is just setting up my story for success ;) enjoy reading! And I'm doing as best I can with the medical accuracy.

Tomorrow I start my surgical internship at Seattle grace hospital. My mom used to work here, with The now Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber. He was a father figure to me since I grew up without my dad. He left right after I was born, I guess he just didn't want to deal with a sick child. And Richard's wife, Adele Webber, was like my second mother.

My real mom was Great. The Ellis Grey. She always believed I would be an extraordinary person myself, and supported me no matter what I chose. She was also a fantastic surgeon. That was helpful when I was always sick because she knew what to look for. Not anymore though. She was recently diagnosed with Early onset Alzheimer's. Which meant I could also genetically attract it. Which wouldn't be the best for me.

You see, throughout my life I've already had enough pain for a whole village. Ever since I came out of the womb I've been fighting some sort of disease, whether it be sickle-cell anemia, (that one I wasn't fond of, very painful) or the common cold. Even if I got a cold I would have to go to the hospital. I was born Pre-term at only 28 weeks and had major hearts defects. My immune system never really regained itself, and it never will.

I try not to talk about my past much. My whole life was mostly in a hospital bed. And yet here I am becoming a Surgeon to be around them all day. You'd think I'd be sick of hospital's by now, but really going through that as a kid gave me inspiration.

I was also homeschooled for your information. Except for college. Being sick all the time, missing class and hair, from hours of chemotherapy and radiation, leads to bullying. And my mom believed my life was already hard enough. No need to add on the torment of cruel children. I've never had real friends, unless I met them at the hospital play center, or any boyfriends. So when I first went to college, oh boy, that was quite a roller coaster.

I also never really experienced what it was like being a kid, I've never ridden a roller coaster, unless you count the mess of a college I experienced. I barley ate sweets, I've never even had a birthday party. But I didn't mind. I believed my life was perfect. Up until about 6 months ago when my mother called to inform me that she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

I catch things easily, and I was even born with atrial septal defect, or ASD, Double-outlet Right Ventricle, and I had an Interrupted Aortic Arch. Those heart problems would effect me my entire life, I was constantly taking pills and injecting myself with liquids of all sorts to ensure I don't go into heart Failure. I had four open heart surgeries in my first three months of my lifetime. And many more after that. There's was a 7% chance that I survived the first year of my life. And now look at me, 26 years old and thriving, sort of.

Ive had cancers, from simple Leukemia to Lung cancer, also known as lung carcinoma; it's a malignant lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung.

I've only had 4 different types of cancers thankfully, could have had more, with my luck, I should have had more. The first two you already know, leukemia. A form of Cancer in my blood stream, and Carcinoma of the lung. I also had multiple myeloma, a form of bone cancer, and hepatic cancer, where malignant tumors and Mets formed around my liver. That one had spread farther down as well to my kidneys, causing Renal cell carcinoma. Fun fact: that also caused the loss of one of my kidneys.

So you could say I've had my fair share of terminal Illnesses in my life, that's not even all of them. Every time I get sick there is a lower and lower percent chance of survival. You would think it would get higher as you grew because you'd get stronger, but that was the case for me. So it wouldn't really be fair it I also got Alzheimer's now would it?

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