Chapter 30 ~ Bank Robbery

Start from the beginning

Well none of what she was doing or who she was was right so it didn't matter.

Just stop worrying, is what Pheonix had told her.

Sophie heard laughter and turned to see Carter playing around and knocking over all the coins and cash.

"Carter stop goofing off and making a mess!" Sophie hissed.

"Catch!" Carter exclaimed, whipping a block of gold at her.

Sophie freaked and at the last second she moved her head out of the way before it would have hit her square in the face. "CARTER!" She yelled, grabbing a pile of coins and throwing it all at him.

Her anger only made him laugh even more.


Sophie then started to attack him and they ended up rolling in piles of cash, tackling each other.

Eventually, Sophie found herself letting out a bunch of giggles and couldn't stop.

They stopped fighting for a second and her eyes locked with Carter's.

They were breathing heavily and Sophie looked to see she was laying on top of him.

"Oh, um—" Sophie mumbled, quickly scrambling off of him.

Sophie felt her cheeks flame as he got up but before any one of them could say anything, Pheonix yelled out, "GUYS! WE HAVE LESS THAN A MINUTE LEFT!"

"Oh no!" Sophie exclaimed as her and Carter sprinted back to where Pheonix was at.

As they were running, Sophie glanced sideways and saw that Carter was secretly throwing back all the coins he took.

Sophie was confused but before she could say anything, they caught up to Pheonix as she exclaimed, "HURRY!"

Right as they made it out of the safe, alarms started to sound and there was a bunch of flashing lights.

"RUNNNN!" They all yelled, sprinting for their lives out the door.

Right when they made it out, a huge flash came and Sophie freaked when she realized it was a camera that took her picture.

"LET'S GOOO!" Pheonix shouted as they ran for their lives back the way they came.

Sophie's legs were burning and her heart was beating rapidly as she sped through the streets and hopped over obstacles.

They were running for a long time until they were eventually safe.

They stopped to catch their breath as they heard the distant sirens.

Pheonix then started to cackle loudly, causing Sophie and Carter to join in.

"That was SO fun!" Pheonix shrieked.

"And terrifying," Sophie added, breathing heavily.

"Man, Zach is gonna be mad when he sees how much fun we had," Pheonix said.

"Good," Carter spat, rolling his eyes.

Sophie snorted and Pheonix pulled out some of the cash she stole. "How much did you guys take?"

Sophie looked down at the several things of cash she stole. "I'm guessing I took around ten thousand."

"You?" Pheonix asked Carter.

"Uh probably about the same as Sophie," Carter mumbled, his hands in his pockets.

Sophie looked at him and narrowed her eyes. She knew he lied, she had seen him throw all the money back from before.

"Well, I did better than you guys. I even got a couple blocks of gold," Pheonix bragged, not noticing.

"Nice," Carter commented.

Sophie nodded along. "We should get back now."

"Yeah it's late," Pheonix agreed.

On the walk back to the hideout, they chatted. It honestly felt like they had been buddies their whole life.

And that's one thing Sophie had to admit that she enjoyed from all this.

Back in her old life, she was constantly worrying about what people would think of her, if she was doing the right thing, always being afraid of when she would get attacked next, and just everything being so complicated.

But now, she felt so free and careless. She could be wild and no one would judge and she always felt the thrill of excitement. It was so different and she just didn't know how to explain how it was changing her.

She just knew that she was starting to feel less and less guilty every day for leaving her old life behind.

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