"I'd rather you have a place of your own than sleeping over at your boyfriends' house. You can have the furniture from your suite."

"Islene is in charge of me now. I'm sure she didn't pledge herself as my guardian so she could set me up somewhere separate from her supervision."

"We can call everything off and I can set you up on your own."

And give him a reason to negate my ability to be emancipated by not separating my needs from his help? I didn't think so. "Maible, why don't we go somewhere to hang out for a bit?" I asked instead of losing my temper with Devland. The whole time I spoke, I kept my gaze on Devland. "It's not like you are a prisoner."

"I... can't leave," she said, this time softer and with less conviction.

"Sure you can! It's easy. Get dressed and walk outside."

"Nora, that's enough," Devland said, his voice low.

"Scared she'll come?" I raised my eyebrow and smirked. "Let me guess. Now that Maible is unbound, you can't control her as much, right? It's strongest in the Manor because that's your home. When she leaves, you lose."



"Stop arguing," Maible said, and I glanced at her standing on the second-last step of the stairs. She cleared her throat. "I can't go because I don't have a car, and I want to be able to leave when I want."

My eyes darted between Devland still standing in the open doorway, then to Maible, and back. Finally, I rolled them and looked down to dig in my purse. I drew my keys from the bag and removed the fob to my vehicle. It was an easy decision.

"Here." I threw the fob up the stairs to Maible. "Now you have a car."

"That's yours, Nora," Devland said, clenching his teeth.

"Not anymore. She's right—Maible doesn't deserve less than you've guilt-gifted to me. The only difference is that I don't need you to get it." I glared at Maible and produced a too-sweet smile. "You wanted my life? My so-called problem-free life?" I gestured to the keys. "Go ahead. I've taken everything I need except the things in the studio. Have at it. In fact, stay in my room now because I never will again."


"Oh, and the presents in my closet behind the racks of clothes? Whatever is in them, I don't want it, so you might as well take ownership."

By the redness creeping up Devland's neck, he wasn't happy, and I'd stunned Maible. Her mouth hung and she continued to blink, looking between me and the keys. I could tell she was cautiously happy, though, and I was okay with not having a vehicle. At least, I wouldn't need a vehicle of my own until I was able to speak with Aiden about getting something I wanted. Any car that Devland didn't taint would do. Besides, I'd thought since the day I moved to Wickenton that he'd been tracking me. This could solve that problem.

If only anything he did was that simple.

I crossed the entryway with purposeful steps, only slowing as I passed Devland. "I don't know why you bound Maible to hide her lineage but refused to help clean up after Duvessa. I didn't think I could dislike someone so much until I met you. You forced me to move, use abilities I didn't want to embrace, and valued your reputation more than my safety or my honor. Even after that, I wanted to be able to find a way to build a relationship with you. I thought we had to learn each other's quirks. I was wrong. Those were growing pains. Now, you and I will never be able to have a relationship. We aren't father and daughter, teacher and student, or leader and follower. Nothing. Turning my sister against me and teaching her to embrace anger is unforgivable. I hope my relationship with Maible is repairable once I ensure you no longer have control over her."

I waved over my shoulder and called to Maible, "If you ever severe yourself from Devland, let me know. We can try again someday, I hope. For now, enjoy all your new things. I'm going to grab my things from the car and take off."

"I can drive...?" Devland sounded like he growled, cutting Maible's offer short. I smirked even though I was already past where they could see me.

"I have two feet and a heartbeat. Besides..." I shrugged. "We're done."


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