I sat there dreading having to go to work. I wonder what Nina is going to say to me today to make me feel bad about myself. She's such a bitch.

Chres came out of the bathroom shaking the water off his hands.

"You know that's what paper towel is for." I told him.

"Eh, who has the time for that." He shrugged as he searched for his phone in the bed.

I propped myself up onto my elbows as I stared at him. "Chres." I called out.

"Yeah babe?" He said as he dropped to the floor to search for his phone under the bed.

"Have you ever had any of your workers that you fucked live with you?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "Where do these questions come from" he asked.

"Seriously Chres, have you?" I repeated.

He sighed.

"No Morgan, none of them ever have. You are the only girl Iv ever opened up my home too." He informed me.

"Why come you never opened your home to any of the other girls? If they were struggling like I was. " I continued to question.

He stopped searching for his phone giving his attention back to me.

"Because those other girls wasn't you. I helped them as much as I could but as for opening my home up to share with someone? Iv never been into that." He stated.

"What changed when I came?" I asked.

The room grew quiet for a moment while Chres searched for his next answer.

"Me." He said in more of a question tone.

"You?" I asked for clarification.

He nodded. "Yeah, I am what changed." He said again. "I don't know what it was about you, but you changed me and I didn't even realize it until now." He stated in amazement. "A year ago if anybody would have told me I'd be in a dedicated relationship, sharing my home, money and everything with just one girl I wouldn't believe it because back then that wasn't me." He continued.

"But now. On this very day Iv never been so proud of my actions.. I would do it all over a million times for you." He assured me.

I smiled as my eyes grew glossy. "Ugh I'm such a cry baby." I stressed out causing Chres to laugh.

"Although this May sound extremely corny, I'm happy that James threw all your shit out on the lawn that day because if not you wouldn't be laying here in my bed right now making me the luckiest man in the world." He said never once breaking eye contact.

"Awwwwww baby." I whined.

"Yeah yeah." He chuckled. "Come on we needa get ready." He reminded me before dragging me out the bed taking me into the bathroom.

We helped strip each other of our clothes before getting into the shower together.

"So I guess that statement is true, one man's trash is another man's treasure." I pointed out.

Chres turned around to face me as the hot water poured down on him. "Oh no Babygirl, you ain't never been trash." He assured me. "That other nigga was just too stupid to see how valuable you really are." Chres told me as he moved my curls out of my face. "You are perfection at it finest." He complimented me.

I smiled before backing him up against the shower wall. " you're everything Iv ever wanted." I whispered into his ear.

Chres wrapped his arms around me picking me up. My back pressed against the wall now as we shared the most deep, passionate, loving kiss ever.

She Moans Chresanto.Where stories live. Discover now