Chapter 1

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Six years.

A lot has changed in six years.

Hisoka and his gang had finally managed to conquer the entire underworld. There were many life and death situations, however they finally did it. Hisoka was king of kings.

Most of his friends were living together in a mansion that stretched far beyond the eye could take in. To describe the mansion, it was like several houses built under one house - that is how massive it was. Being at the top of the food chain, most decided to live together for protection, but the bottom line was, they considered each other family, and family sticks together. All but their Leader.

Hisoka still lived in the place he had always lived in. No new renovations nor a single piece of furniture moved for six years, well, seven years including the time since you lived with him. The only thing that was new was the tight security. Naturally so. Hisoka couldn't live free from helpers anymore since taking over everything came with constant threats and he needed a spare hand around the house. Other than that, every single area of Hisoka's house was the same. Everyone kind of wondered why Hisoka refused change, but no one dared to question him.

Unlike before where they could all casually talk to each other about anything, joke around, mess around and be their carefree self around with their leader, things with Hisoka's did an opposite flip.

He grew into such a serious man. Quiet. Lethal. Cold. Stern. Everything was about business to him.

Women were void from his life too. Indeed he would still have plenty of women throw themselves at him, however he was never fazed. Glaring at them to back off was normal. On his good days he would let women sit next to him, however he would completely ignore their existence and continue to go about his business. Definitely the complete opposite of his high school years.

Hisoka always had such a distasteful expression that would form the second any women came near him. It was like he utterly despised women in overall. He looked at them with such disgusting disrespect. Like they all were pure scum of this earth.

For all those years he was truly too busy to give anyone his slightest attention. Maybe now since he reached the highest throne, he would start unwinding and enjoy the benefits of his success. Become the Joker he was known for among his friends again. Just maybe.

Hisoka would interact with his members, but not how he used too years ago. You would rarely find the Joker sitting in the club nor present at the poker nights they would have from time to time to spark up an old flame. If you were lucky enough to spot him among them, you'd only see him sitting there with a stoic expression - slowly sipping on red wine with poise. A typical elegant mafia leader that has the world beneath his feet.

However, Hisoka's 180 personality change wasn't the only change. Grimmjow and Orihime actually got married 2 years ago. Initially both were hesitant in fear Hisoka might object to such relations. But not a single word or interference of the marriage came from him.

It wasn't his place to say anything anyways. He knew Grimmjow knew the risks of letting the underworld know he had a woman for a weakness. If he decided to go through with the wedding in spite of the dangers, that was his issue.

However, it did seem that being on the top, threats weren't as common anymore. As if other gangs didn't want to try and take them on. As if they knew their place, respected it and accepted it. After all, the 6 of them ran this entire city. They had hundreds of other people working for them. Only if there was a major disturbance or assistance needed, were they involved, other than that -  life for them all was calm

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to be with someone seriously anymore. The protection was enough.


Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now