Chapter 6; Claire Curvel

Start from the beginning

I rubbed the sides of my head in frustration, stomping up the stairs loudly. I went into Beth's room, grabbing the clothes she washed when I got here off the floor. I went down the hall into the bathroom, locking the door, and turning the shower on. I stripped my clothes off and got inside, closing my eyes as my body relaxed. The warm water hit my skin, relieving my sore muscles, even my bandaged wrist felt good as the water hit it.

"Maybe I did need a shower," I mumbled to myself. I don't know what was getting me so worked up. Maybe because I'm still on this damn farm. Has Randall not been looking for me at all?

I reached down, grabbing the shampoo and washing my dirty hair. Once I was finished, I washed up and got out. I pulled on the clean pair of underwear that Maggie got from in town the other day and the new bra. I pulled on my white v-neck and my flannel over it, my jeans with the rip down the side, and my boots; leaving my hair to air dry.

I smiled, feeling much better as I exited the bathroom and bounded down the stairs. I could hear Beth and Patricia talking in the kitchen as I walked outside to the porch. I sat down on the steps idly -content at the moment. Too bad you can never stay peaceful for long.

I frowned deeply as Daryl Dixon walked over to me, crossbow hanging on his shoulders. He spat on the ground before stopping in front of me -blocking the sun from hitting me. "Done throwing your tantrum?" He inquired.

Some people know how to ruin my mood fast here.

I mentally rolled my eyes, glaring at his boots. Prick. "Go away," I advised.

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go hunting since you seemed so bored, but nevermind," He proposed with a teasing tone.

I looked up at him boredly, not finding any amusement. "Can't step foot off the farm," I reminded with no emotion. "Besides, I don't even know how to hunt."

"I'll teach you."

"Go away."

"Keep that attitude up and I won't come asking you again," He implied. "Hershel's the one who told me to bring you along to blow off some steam earlier, but you threw a tantrum when I called you a little girl."

Hershel. Why in the world would you volunteer me to help this redneck. I can't put my finger on who Daryl was. He seemed to care but also didn't. To me, he still seems better off alone. I scoffed, standing up and dusting my butt off; the water from washing my hair still dripping down my neck. "Guess I'll have to go and cover your sorry ass then," I retorted cockily.

I had to lose the attitude quick before he changed his mind.

Daryl laughed and began walking away, me following behind him. As we passed by Rick's weapons, I grabbed a army knife sitting on the table. It was silent as me and Daryl emerged into the woods -me following him like a lost puppy. I jumped at every little sound of a twig snapping, fearing a walker could come out at any time. I felt unprepared. I hadn't been around them for days now since being on Hershel's farm.

"You scared of the woods or somethin', quit jumping," Daryl barked back to me.

Yes. The woods ain't no safe place that's for sure. Wait. I was outside the farm. Away from the eyes of the others except Daryl. I could easily run. I'm sure he's not as fast as me if I push myself to run longer than a short distance. I could get away and find my way back to Randall. How hard could it be? Why was I worrying about the woods when I have a chance to escape now.

"Shh, don't move," Daryl whispered.

I stopped, crouching low as he did. A few feet ahead of us were two walkers -moaning as they slothed around. See. Woods are not safe. Daryl signaled with his hand to keep my eyes open as he slowly moved his way to the larger walker. I crouched lower as the smaller one noticied him instantly, growling loudly and alerting to other. I side glanced Daryl -still watching the smaller walker as my thoughts raced.

"Fucking bastard," Daryl hissed.

I ran towards the smaller walker as Daryl shot a arrow through the first ones head. I kicked it's feet out from under it, but ended up falling down with it. I screamed as I fell ontop of it, it's mouth almost taking a bite out of my face. "Girl you trying to die!" Daryl shouted.

I was lifted off of the walker and pushed away from it as Daryl kicked at its head. This is the perfect time. He isn't looking. It was the perfect distraction. While Daryl kicked at the thing again, I stood up and dashed through the woods, going straight.

"Claire!," Daryl's voice rang through the woods not far behind me. Fuck. Did he even kill the walker before chasing after me? "Get back here ya dumb bitch!"

Asshole. I gritted my teeth angrily, pushing myself to go faster as I changed my direction so Daryl couldn't catch up so easily. I'm no dumb bitch and I'll prove it. Would a dumb bitch be able to get away from him so easily. I jumped down a hill, gasping for air as I landed on my back painfully.


I stumbled back to my feet and ran, not hearing Daryl near me, but I could still hear his yelling. I needed somewhere to hide until I felt like he wouldn't find me. I contiued to run, tripping over my own feet as sweat ran down my face. I felt like my body was already trying to give up the run, but I wasn't going to stop. I have to get back to Randall. I have to make sure he's okay. He has to know I'm still alive.

I stopped dead in my tracks, hearing a twig snap ahead of me. What if it's a walker? What if it's Daryl? I don't know which one I'd be more scared to see. I didn't think twice as I ran to a tree, jumping up to reach a branch and pull myself up. I climbed up a few more branches; making sure the leaves covered me from below, but still let me see.

I leaned over a little, my feet dangling over the branches. I clasped my hand over my mouth and nose to quiet my breathing as a walker limped into my view. It growled, most likely smelling me. Stupid thing has no idea where I am.

"Damn this girl," Someone hissed below. Daryl.

I held on tightly to the branch with my hurt hand, holding my breathe as he shot an arrow into the walker. He looked around suspiciously before bending down and inspecting the dirt. Is he... tracking me? He stood back up, looking around in a circle. I leaned back against the tree, praying he wouldn't hear or see me.

  "Claire!," He shouted. Stupid you'll attract walkers for sure. "Claire come on! You know I can't go back without you or Hershel will kill me"

Too bad redneck bastard. I ain't going back there. Not today. Not ever. I breathed out in relief as he groaned in frustration and took off in the way the walker came. I waited a few minutes before jumping down, landing on my ankle painfully.

"Fucking bitch," I hissed.

I inhaled deeply before running in the opposite way that Daryl did. My ankle was hurting so bad that I wanted to stop but I knew I couldn't. I had to get as far as I could from the farm. The army knife I took from Rick was gripped firmly in my good hand as I pushed myself to keep running.

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