Chapter 5; Claire Curvel

Start from the beginning

I groaned loudly, gaining Shane's attention who was leaned up against a tree. "What you making all that noise for sunshine?"

"Stop calling me that," I grumbled. The way those words came out his mouth just didn't sit right with me. "And there ain't nothing to do. Hershel has me on a leash where I can't step foot off this damn porch away from the house"

Shane laughed loudly -making me glare at him. "I call you sunshine because you're a lot happier from when you tried to jump out that window a while ago."

"I wasn't trying to kill myself, I was trying to escape."

"Sure thang sunshine," he snickered. "Not a smart thinker are you."

"Shut up old man," I snapped.

Shane stopped laughing, looking at me in shock. He stalked over to me, jabbing his finger into my shoulder as he spoke. "Watch the tone sunshine or I'll have to put you back into your place," He threatened.

I gulped, backing away from him. His demeanor did a whole 180 in a split second. Who knew calling him old would piss him off so much? It was just a word that actually described his age. I froze as someone held me still from my shoulder behind me. "Is that anyway to speak to a lady?" A gruff southern voice said from behind me.

Shane glared at whoever it was before stomping away, having nothing to say since I wasn't the only one now. The person's hand left my shoulder and they pushed passed me to let me see their back. Daryl.

"Thanks," I whispered -loud enough for him to hear.

He didn't turn around, just gave me a curt nod before walking off. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding, backing up until my back hit the cool wall of the house. I leaned against it, carefully massaging my bandaged wrist as I watched Daryl move across the farm land until he disappeared inside his tent.

I don't really know that guy and he gave off that vibe like he didn't give two shits who I was either when I brought his breakfast up to him this morning, so why did he help me? Why was he even out of the house? He looks like he'd be fine on his own. Not with a group. Hershel must've kicked him out since he was perfectly fine now. Serves him right for how he yelled at me the other day too for coming up to clean his stitches. I just don't get him though. It's like he cares, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he does. It makes me wonder how many people he lost out there.

"You gonna stare all day at his tent?"

I spun around, finding Beth standing there with a smirk. "I wasn't," I lied.

"Sure." She taunted.

I huffed, getting pissed off once again. I don't know what it is, but all these people piss me off. It's just that they seem too calm here. Like they forgot the world is shit now and we could die at any moment. Everyone acted as if life didn't change for them. They were too comfortable and I hated the feeling. I strolled off the porch and headed towards Rick, Shane, and Jimmy who were around a truck.

"Daddy said you shouldn't step foot away from this house," Beth pestered. "But I was heading over there anyway so you can tag along."

I nodded, waiting for Beth to catch up with Patricia with her. It's not like I was actually needing her approval, but it got me free range to move away from the house. We walked in silence over there; the only sound were the insects and the birds flying in the sky. Guess they're lucky. The birds that is. They seem unfazed by this new world and they can easily fly away from any danger. It'd be nice to be a bird.

Beth walked a bit ahead of us as we got nearer to Rick. "We'd like to join you for gun training today." Beth proposed. Gun training. I've never even held a gun before, let alone shoot one. Besides didn't Hershel have a problem with guns.

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