camping place...

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⚠️swear words, camping stuff, and cuts which involves blood⚠️

"I think we should camp here" Sapnap said.

"We are gonna camp here" Clay said.

Clay walked into the middle of the camping spot and started the grab the camping stuff out of the dark green bag Sapnap went over and started to help him.

"Do you guys need help?" I asked.

"No I don't think so George but thank you for asking" Clay said taking the first tent out of the bag.

"You and Karl can watch your strong boyfriends build these tents with no problem at all" Sapnap joked taking the other tent out.

"Yep I guess" Clay took the peices of the tent out.

"No yep I guess I wanna here YEAH" Sapnap shouted lightly pushing Clays arm.

"No Sapnap im not gonna say that" Clay wheezed barely could speak because he ws wheezing so loud.

"COME ON CLAY SAY IT YEAH" Sapnap shouted.

"yeahhhhhhhhhhh" Clay sat down about to put the peices of the teal tent togther.

"COME ON CLAY STAND UP SAY IT YEAH" Sapnap tugged on Clays shirt to make him stand up the he stood up.

"YEAH" Clay shouted.

"YEAH CLAY YEAH" Sapnap yelled clearly he was enjoying his time with Clay.

"Come on Sapnap actually let's start building this like you said like men" Clay chuckled getting on one knee going to build the tents.

"Your damn right Clay" Sapnap chuckled.

"How can you love him Sapnap he is crazy?" I looked at Karl.

"I love him for that reason because he is crazy like me it just feels like I have known him all my life" Karl smiled.

"The real question is how can you love Clay he is so calm" Karl chuckled.

"I love him because he understands me like if I ever would have a mental breakdown he would know and I wouldn't have to say any words at all or speak" I said.

"You guys were so obvious it was killing me and Sapnap" Karl chuckled.

"We hear you talking how hot we are" Sapnap said.

"And so what if we are" I chuckled chuckled with me.

"You better be" Clay winked.

Me and Karl laughed some more at Clays previous comment.

Clay and Sapnap splited to two diffrent sides Clay built teal tent and Sapnap built the red tent I looked away for only a seconed and they were halfway done they were chatting while they were building the tents. Sapnap was done so he went to go and help Clay with our tent Clay started to explain what Sapnap can help him with the tent pointing to what sides needs fixing. Karl and me were just talking about our relationships with Clay and Sapnap and other things until the other two were done building the tents. Clay and Sapnap started to make the tent go higher which were the sharp parts but the clearly didn't care at all like they said their men. Sapnap walked to the side across from Clay and did his side then Sapnap did the other side diagonal from Clay.

I wasn't looking same with Karl because we were caught up talking but Clay's part was stuck and Clay accidentally let go and cut Clays side causing him to bleed.

"ahhhh" clay winched in slight pain looking at the wire that cut him.

"Sapnap a little help here" Clay said the Sapnap walked towards Clay.

I really didn't know what happend all the I know wad that the wire on my side cut me and tore my white shirt and it was stuck and for sure it hurt.

"How did this happen?" Sapnap looked over at me.

"Can you help me asshole?" I said.

"Yeah one sec" Sapnap said speedwalking towards George and Karl.

"George did you bring your first aid kit" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah why?" George asked.

"George give it to me please" Sapnap said the George opening the backpack.

"Sapnap what the hell are you doing I have a wire in me for godsakes" I yelled the George giving Sapnap the item.

"Im coming Clay" Sapnap running back towards me.

Sapnap dropped the kit.

"Sorry this is gonna hurt" Sapnap said.

Sapnap put his hand on the part of the wire that had no blood on it and started to pull it out of me reaveling my blood on the sliver shiny wire my screaming loudly in pain. Sapnap put his hand of my back while he was laying me down on the dirt and lifted up my shirt over my head to see my cut.

"What the hell happend!" George said loudly walking towards me him hovering over me with Karl.

"I don't know" I groaned.

"Well well Clay just hurt camping again" Sapnap chuckled.

"Again Clay you have to stop trying to get hurt" George said.

"Like I say Georgie no promises" I said near the end yelling because it hurt so bad.

"Dammit are you done yet Sapnap?" I said moving me head backwards.

"In a sec Clay" He said harshly.

Sapnap grabbed the bandage and started to wrap it around me.

Then he was done...

"Listen I don't care what you say gonna finish building the tent peirod" Sapnap stood up looking at me laying down at the floor.

"And you are gonna keep laying there not moving" Sapnap said.

"What I think is funny is that you three all were doctors and somehow Sapnap is the one helping you guys out" Karl said.

"Yeah but I wasn't a full on doctor I olny did nursing school for a year then I quited because I was done with it" George said.

"What about you Clay?" Karl asked.

"3 years and the best doctor there" I groaned I was already tired for laying on the ground.

"Sapnap?" Karl asked.

"4 years of being a surgeon anyways I am gonna go finish the tent" Sapnap walked to the tent.

"I'm gonna watch him" Karl said following him.

"So 3 years" George said.

"Yep and it payed off" I said standing up.

"Clay your supposed to stay on the floor relax" George said.

"Remeber if anything goes wrong I can fix myself but for now I have to help Sapnap he is looking stupid right now" I said walking towards Sapnap and of course my boyfriend following me.

"Why are you standing up!" Sapnap yelled.

"Rember what our camp counsler said don't give up until your on the floor" I said.

"Fine get over here" Sapnap said.

Then me and Sapnap quickly finished the tent I walked into me and Georges tent and put the sleeping bags inside. Then I came back out and someone had to do the fire so I offered to do it and they were fine with it so I went into the woods and went looking for logs. I found a few good logs that would be useful for the fire so I put them on my shoudler holding them then I went back. George and Karl were just talking togther and Sapnap was in the tent when I came back George and Karl looked at me and welcomed me back. I also grabbed two sticks to make the fire since we didn't have lighters I started to stack the wood onto top of eachother a bit to make the fire. After I rubbed thge sticks against eachother hard then before I knew it we had a fire and the camp lessons really payed off.

"And we have a fire" I said stepping back from the fire looking at it.

A hour from then we ate dinner and dessert then we told nightime stories till it got dark and headed to our tents.

1290 words :)

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