a good day in a while...

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⚠️swear words⚠️

I woke up that morning I leaned over to the side to hug George but instead he wasn't there. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes I moved my legs from the dark blue covers and I stood up. I love George but when we sleep in his room mostly all the time he sleeps with a heated in his room. His room is always boiling hot which causes me to always sleep shirtless with sweat pants. But if George is okay with it I have to be okay with it I walk over to my nightstand and I put on my sliver cross necklace letting it touch my bare chest. I walked over the wooden stairs and walked downstairs one by one once. I got downstairs greeting Sapnap and Karl and George and I walked to the kitchen that is connected to the living room. George, Sapnap, and Karl were in the living room watching god knows what then someone was sitting on one of the seat by the island.

"Hi Drista" I said taking to orange juice from the fridge and a glass cup.

I greeted Drista but I was confused because I thought she went back home...

"Wait Drista" I said setting the intend on the island table.

"Hello Brother" She said waving her hand.

"What are you doing here" I said casually.

"Your really asking me what I am doing here what do you think Clay" Drista said.

"Sapnap and Karl told me so I took my ass over here" Drista continued.

George stood up and walked over to me hugging me from behind George stopped hugging me and I turned around I put my hand on his face and kissed him...

"Morning Georgie" I said turn back around facing Drista George got up no say on the island.

"Good morning Clay" George said.

Drista's jaw dropped...

"Are you okay Drista?" I said then taking a sip of my orange juice.

"No I am not" Drista said.

"SAPNAP!" Drista yelled.

"Ugh what do you want" Sapnap scoffed.

"Why did you call me if Clay and George just kissed!" Drista looked at Sapnap annoyed.

"WAIT WHAT!" Sapnap jumped over the couch running to Me, George, and Drista Karl following Sapnap.

"Yeah what's the problem can I not kiss my boyfriend?" I put my arm around George's shoulders pulling him closer to me him slightly blushing.

"BOYFRIEND WHAT!" Sapnap and Drista yelled.

"Okay can you guys explain what is going on here" George said.

"Okay so since you and Clay were having problems I had to call my bestie" Sapnap said.

"Never call me bestie again but yeah that's why I'm here" Drista said.

"Sapnap I thought I was your bestieee" Karl pouted.

"No you aren't your my boyfriend your my bestie boyfriend" Sapnap said kissing Karl.

"Well since everything is okay and I'm basically the fifth wheel I'm gonna go back to New York" Drista said getting out of the seat walking towards the door.

"Wait George before I leave can I talk to you?" Drista said.

"Yeah sure Drista" George said walking towards Drista.

"I just wanna say thank you for making my brother happy he hasn't been this happy in a while" Drista whispered.

"Your welcome I will always be here for him" George whispered.

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