after all this time...

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⚠️swear words and pocket knife⚠️

I had no idea what time it was all that I know is that I can't remember anything from yesterday not a single detail thing from yesterday. My head hurt I was super tired probably because of crying all the time from George. I slowly opened my eyes the room had some light peaking out of the blinds. I looked at the ceiling   and I was in a bedroom I guarantee it was mine because it's my bedroom. I took my eyes off the ceiling and I saw blue and white sheets with blue walls and I realized I wasn't in my room or Sapnap's.

I heard footsteps come closer and closer to me by the second...

"Hey I'm sorry I am just grabbing clothes that's all" Someone walked in a towel wrapped around his waist the guy was shirtless.

George quickly looked through his drawers to grabbed clothes he grabbed a blue hoodie, grey sweatpants, and boxers.

"Hold on I will be back" George left the room I'm guessing to get dressed.

George quickly left the room and I started to remember everything George said last night but I don't remember anything I said still.

"I'm back" George said entering the room putting his dirty clothes in the hamper.

"How are you feeling?" George asked.

"Like hell" my voice was raspy probably because I was tired.

"Also Clay don't worry I just slept in your room since you were in mine" George said.

"Oh you didn't have too we have slept in bed together before" I sat up putting my hands on my face.

"I know with everything and stuff I thought it would probably be best" George looked at me.

"Anyways you were quite the party yesterday" George changed the subject.

"How bad was I?" I groaned.

"Well not so bad you loved complimenting me and you yelled a little but drinking wise you had 3 beers" George said.

"Oh my god that is definitely not like me" I said.

"It's okay blame me I'm the reason you weren't you" George said in a softer tone.

"No your weren't you didn't" I said.

"But I did everyone knows in this house that I did including you" George said stepping backwards a few inches away from the wall.

"George no you didn't" I stood up walking towards George.

"Clay just stop it's my fault its my fault you got drunk and it's fault you have been crying for days" George said tears filling up his eyes.

"George it's not your fault!" I yelled pinned George to the wall putting my hands on his shoulders George against the wall looking at me.

"George it's not your fault it was my fault for getting drunk not yours so I don't wanna hear you say that" I said looking at him.

"Then explain what happened all those times you were sobbing into Sapnap's arms or the basketball court outside" George cried I barely could hear but I understood.

"Look George I love you but I'm okay now I'm okay now your here with me I promise" I said putting my arm on his cheek.

"There's no need to say I love you just show me you do" George said I was confused.

"like this" George leaned closer leaving a peck on my lips.

"Maybe I should have done that instead" I chuckled.

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