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The next week was a blur. Lisa spent the days insulting suitors and planning with Jennie at night- Jennie was infiltrating the guards early to try and get a foothold here in order to have a better shot at Lisa's escape.

There's only one day until the plan is supposed to go through, and Lisa asks Jennie about if Jisoo was able to get Rosie and come here.

"I think they're leaving right about now." Jennie says, pulling out her top-of-the line iPhone. Lisa chuckles a little, seeing as Jennie is a Samsung ambassador. "Don't disrespect the drip," Jennie says and the girls erupt into laughter, looking at Jennie's Chanel phone case that costs more than most people's rent.

"Are you packed?" Jennie asks once the girls manage to stop laughing.

"Yes. I've just got these two bags here," Lisa says, pulling two giant suitcases out of her walk-in closet.

"Logistically, that might be a bit hard-" Jennie starts, and Lisa can tell that she's trying to be nice.

"I'm kidding. I've got a duffel bag here," Lisa says, pulling a Celine duffel bag out of a drawer and passing it to Jennie. "I had a servant mail some of my clothes to your house in California. I told her I was giving them to you and she didn't ask too many questions,"

"Bitch." Jennie said with a laugh. "Jisoo's here. I'll see you tomorrow, same time."

Before Lisa could thank her, Jennie slinked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Rosie jumped up as she heard her door start to unlock.

Who was here? What was going on?

She creeped out from her bedroom into the living room, readying a baseball bat just as the door opened.

Just as she was about to swing the bat, she realized it was Jisoo sneaking into her apartment at 2 AM.

"JISOO! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Rosie shrieks and Jisoo smiles innocently.

"Coming to say hi. What are you doing up?"

"I was working."

"Well I'm working, too. Orders of Ms. Kim." Jisoo said with a wink.

Damn, If they get married, neither of them will have to change their last name, Rosie thought.

"Alright. Well, what are those orders?" Rosie asks.

"We're busting Lisa out and the four of us are moving to Jennie's mansion in California." Jisoo says with a smile.


Rosie processed those words slowly, but it was like a wave had hit her. First she processed that they were all leaving their homes- Jisoo from Seoul, Rosie from Melbourne, Lisa from Thailand, and Jennie from- well, Jennie had homes everywhere so she didn't count. She didn't know how she felt about that, but it was a big deal whether she liked it or not. But it was time she tried something new, and if it meant she got to be with Lisa? She was in.


Rosie didn't like the way that Jisoo had phrased her statement. Bust out Lisa. Because of Rosie's carelessness, the love of her life was being held in the Thai palace against her will.

"I take it Jennie has the details all worked out then?" Rosie asks, trying to put on a smile.

"Yep. She's got it covered. I'm here to help you pack and get you on a plane."

"Let's do it."

Two hours later, Rosie had almost all of her stuff in boxes to take. She didn't really have an attachment to any of her furniture so she was going to call her sister Alice to come and pick it up and do whatever she wants with it. Jisoo had brought about ten suitcases, all nested within what was the largest suitcase she had ever seen for Rosie to pack with. She didn't use all of them, but she got pretty close. Rosie had a lot of her tour outfits with her- her record label, TheBlackLabel, which was a subsidiary of a Korean entertainment company- had given Rosie a ton of freedom with her career over the last year as she took off in fame. Rosie knew she didn't even have to think twice about moving to California because they would support her either way.

Not to mention something Jennie had mentioned to her earlier about Ruby Jane Records, a record label that Jennie wanted to start- and sign Rosie to when her TBL contract expires in six months.

"Okay. I think that's it, Sooya." Rosie said, taking a sip of water.

"Looks like it. Let's get out of here," Jisoo said and the girls lugged the suitcases down to the elevator using a contraption Jisoo had built involving a lot of bungee cords. Jisoo had a U-Haul waiting for them to load up the suitcases into, and that combined with Jisoo's stuff made for a bit of a tight squeeze with luggage. They got in the car and Jisoo drove to the private airport that Rosie flew in and out of when she had smaller things going on. She recognized Jennie's red plane- because Jennie had two, after all, so the color was relevant- and some of Jennie's staff started loading their luggage into it. A girl got off the plane that Rosie recognized to be Irene, Jennie's close friend from the K-Pop group Red Velvet, who had been at the launch party for the YouTube video.

"Irene! What are you doing here?" Rosie said with a laugh, giving the other girl a hug.

"Jen told me I could take the plane here with Jisoo and the members of my group for Melbourne Fashion Week. Somebody needed to take the tickets you all had, seeing as you didn't seem in any condition to go." She said with a small smile.

"I'm glad you could come. I'm so sorry about ruining the plans for Fashion Week." Rosie said, but Irene shrugged.

"No biggie. Go get Lisa. My members already left, but I wanted to tell you something," Irene said, giving a look at Jisoo. Jisoo got onto the plane, leaving Rosie and Irene outside. "Lisa and Jennie- they're really close, and they've been alone planning the last week or so to get Lisa out. It might seem like something happened between them or something like that, but I promise you that Jennie would never do that to you or Jisoo, and Lisa is definitely head over heels for you."

Rosie's eyes lit up at this. She had always been a little worried about how close Jennie and Lisa were, but Irene was even closer with Jennie and would know what was going on. And the reassurance that Lisa loved her- and would always love her- was what Rosie needed to get on that plane.

"Thank you Irene. Seriously."

"No problem." Irene said with a wink, taking a call on her phone from somebody named Wifey.

"God, Seulgi! I'll be right there!" Irene said into the phone. Rosie chuckled a little and got onto the plane.

a/n: thank you so much for reading! please vote if you enjoyed this~

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