•Feelings arise!•

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Bennett POV:

Dang, there was this strong feeling of numbness in my legs. I look down and see Razor still sleeping on my legs. He was letting out soft snores while drooling a little. Damn, did I really stay in this position the whole night? I was planning on moving in a way to not wake Razor but to no avail. Squinting, I glanced up to the trap door and peek through small cracks, and realized that it had indeed stopped raining. It was daytime. It must have stopped raining quite some time ago because at this point, the walls were pretty dry. I look back at Razor and stare at his face. He looks cute when he's sleeping...

Without a real reason, I start softly touching his face. It was as if my hands had a mind of their own.

"His face is really soft" I gently whisper.

Entranced, I keep poking at his face and begin squishing it. Unexpectedly, Razor rises up in a jolt. Ah! Did I wake him up? Was I poking him too hard? He turns back in shock and looks flustered at the sight of me. He buries his face in his hands.

"Oh, h-hi Ben-Bennett..." Razor says faintly, covering his flushed face.

"Morning! How is your leg feeling? I ask ecstatically, hoping that he hadn't noticed I was touching his face.

Judging by the way he woke up, I think he might have known but then again it might be because he woke up in some person's lap, much less my lap.

"It feels okay, It still hurts a little and is somewhat numb" Razor begrudgingly comments while slowly guarding the area with the wound "but, otherwise, I'm fine".

"We need to get back to my apartment and get that medicine on that wound. Not only that but, switch the cloth around it. It's almost completely covered in blood!" I bicker, reaching over to look at Razor's wound.

Razor flinches at the sight of my hand moving closer to him. Naturally, feeling conflicted, I retrieve my hand. I suppose he still doesn't trust me much. I just wanted to see the wound up close but then again, it was wrong to step in his boundaries without permission. I mean we still don't really know each other.

"Sorry, I was just-" I start to stumble

"I was just going to have a look at your leg... and I-".

"No sorry, just not used to being touched like that" Razor interrupts with his face burning a slight red.

Letting out a comforting forced smile, I switch my attention to the walls. I rise onto my knees and walk to one of the walls and start touching it. It seemed good enough for climbing, but we just had to keep safety in mind. However, the fact that Razor's leg is hurt, is somewhat of a problem. All the same, I can climb up and get something thrown down to him. Even so, I don't think I have the will to be able to pull him up on my own but, I guess it's better than nothing.

"Hey Razor, I think it would be best if I climb up then help you out, alright?".

Razor's face shifts to a frown.

"I can get out by myself, no problem!" Razor refutes while trying to get on his feet.

Razor stumbles getting up and I could tell he was struggling. He was most definitely straining his leg too much. He looked like he was in pain just trying to get up. I rush to him and put him back on the ground where he won't hurt himself.

"Razor you have to calm down. If you hurt yourself more than you already are you will just have to stay longer with me and not with you're lupical! I tell him.

"Who says I'm going with you? Razor says simultaneously changing to the subject and finally sitting down.

Well at least I was able to get him back on the ground but now I have to deal with this. From what I have seen, he's very stubborn but also very obedient. I kind of like that side of him.

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