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Bennett POV:

While running I bump into some hilichurls, and beat them with some struggle but still manage. I soon make it to Springvale but, since it was pouring rain everyone was inside except for one person. They were holding an umbrella and leaning on a building. He looked like he was asleep. I walk up to him and nudged him softly. 

"Hello, sir? are you awake," I ask not trying to scare him. 

However, that seemed to not work because he woke up as if he was trying to murder him. I step back and put my hands in the air, trying to show him that I'm not a threat. 

"HUH WHAT!?!?!" The person yells out of confusion.

"Huhh..Sorry to be a bother but, I was wondering if you knew who sent out to quest to catch whatever is taking away you're guy's animals." I ask in a calm tone, still wondering if he might overreact again.

"Oh...OH. Yes, I do know, that was me who sent the request. That's the only reason that I'm outside still so, that when you get here I can inform you about the situation " He responses.

"Oh. Therefore can you begin to explain, please? I ask.

"Yes, yes, so, basically we keep our animals fenced in a certain area somewhat close to Wolvendom. Suddenly our animals started disappearing one by one. It wasn't really a smart idea now that I really think about it but what can you do now. We put traps up of courses, but, it seemed as if that did nothing at all. So now we're getting concerned because an animal can't be this smart to avoid every single trap we put. The whole place was practically filled with traps. Not to mention there was only one person who was putting the traps up and that same person was the only one going to feed and take care of the animals. We couldn't even go near because then you would just be accused of being suspicious. Therefore we didn't feel as if it was safe for us normal people to try and look into this because what if it was some formidable beast or something. So we just called you guys." He said in a very formal tone, practically showing that she wasn't playing around.

I really didn't know what to do at this point, there was no way I should be trusted with this much responsibility EVER. This was definitely the job for traveler and shouldn't be me. Even so, I shouldn't think that way and just deal with this problem. 

"OK! I understand" I respond with. 

"Good you better...Also there is something about the trap- "He says under his breath.

"Sure...I guess I will be on my way now" I say before cutting him off and dashing off.

While dashing off I swear I heard the guy say something about traps but I was in too much of a rush to actually stop and go back. Even so, it most likely wasn't even that important anyway. Well, I hope so

I make it to Wolvendom, which didn't take long at all. Well, there were some slips here and there because of all the rain but I still made it. Well, then again I have way too much energy, so it ways to be expected. I just can't wait to be finished with this quest so that I can pay Kathryn. I walk into the forest with some hesitation because of how scary Wolvendom can look in the darkness of a rainy and gloomy day. Not to mention I feel as if the rain is coming down harder now that I have made it to Wolvendom. Just my luck. I walk and walk, but don't see anything. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I make it so this area where I see an unusual amount of boars in one spot. Now that something unusual and something worth checking out. I start walking slowly not trying to scare to boars away and I just start scanning the area. Most of the time I would go headfirst into things but, I felt WAY more cautious about my surroundings. Suddenly I see a boy with long, spiky grey hair; bright red eyes and pale skin peeking out from a bush eyeing down the boars. In the confusion of seeing a random person, I lower my head behind a bush but, just enough so that I can see what's going on. This has to be the culprit, I mean why else would someone be out here staring down boars right? He didn't look like he wanted to be out here in the rain either, because he was trembling as much as I was from the cold rain and looked frustrated moreover uncomfortable. Suddenly, he starts charging towards the boars with tremendous speed and strength.  

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