•Alone in hole•

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Razor POV:

Honestly, I have no idea what's going on at this point. My head really hurts and I can hardly feel my leg.  Now the guy who attacked me is doing things to me while I'm knocked out. Out of the confusion, I slide myself backwards with my hands getting away from this guy. The guy looked shocked while he stayed frozen for a second, holding a piece of cloth.

"Woah, Woah calm down I'm not trying to hurt you..." The guy says trying to break the silence.

"NO, What are you doing?! I shout at him while holding my head.

The guy hovers his hand to his head and started shaking it, like if he was frustrated. While he was contemplating what to say, I look around the area we're in. I notice that we're in some sort of trap that involved us falling into a big hole. It was still clearly raining because there were raindrops coming in from the cracks of the ceiling's trap door. Not to mention there were a lot of cracks adding to the feeling as if there wasn't even a ceiling at all. Suddenly the guy breaks my train in thought.

"Look we really got off on the wrong path, I'm sorry about all of this. Maybe we could start over."  He says sounding very sincere.

I look at him very suspiciously but, I end up giving in. He was making a face like how the cubs in my lupical make when they want more food but already ate their fair share.

"F-fine..." I say somewhat reluctant.

"Great! I'm Bennett. Nice to meet you" Bennett says while sticking his hand out, waiting for a handshake.

"Hum...Hi, I'm R-Razor" I say, putting my hand out as well to shake his.

We both kind of just sit in awkward silence for a few seconds until Bennett breaks it again.

"Hey Razor, do you mind if I fix up your leg before it gets any worse than it already it? Bennett asks while fidgeting with the piece of cloth in his hands.

 I really don't need anyone's help when it comes to certain things like this but under the circumstances I kind of need help. Usually, I would bring some herbs and ribbons I found in the forest along with me if things like this would happen. However, I must have forgotten them in the cave or I just dropped them. 

"Ok...Sure" I say nervously.

It was different having someone else fix me up, other than myself doing it. It felt kind of nice...

Bennett grabs my leg with the wound softly and rests it on his legs. He grabs something out from the back of his bag. It was a small rag. He started to whip away the blood that was now starting to dry on my leg. Naturally, my leg started to recoil because of the pain but I tried to keep it firmly in place. 

"Tell me if it hurts ok? Bennett asks while he loosens his already weak grip on my leg.

"N-no I'm fine, it just stung a little bit," I say trying to reassure him that I'm fine.

He continued cleaning around the wound but even softer now. Once he finished cleaning wound the wound he started to wrap the cloth around it. However, this actually started to hurt and I guess I made it a little too obvious again.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I had to warp it a little bit tight because we don't want it falling off until we get out of this hole now do we? When we get out of this hole I can bring you to my apartment and actually get some proper bandages on this wound of yours. It really could get worse if we don't treat it right, it's really a deep cut. Maybe-" Bennett begins rambling.

"Sorry but I don't leave forest without good reason, I stay with lupical! I say interrupting him.

"Wait what? Bennett says back.

LOVING YOU • Genshin Impact • Bennett x RazorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora