Chapter 31: Suprise Shawty

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"Hey babe, how's life with your new boytoy?" Is the first thing Lewis asks when I call him for our weekly check ins.

"Ignoring what you called him, it's been great," I blush thinking about what happened the week before. Rather, every time I look at the coffee table or even at chocolate syrup I feel the need to clench my thighs together.

"Ooh, someone has something to say?" I can picture the smirk on his face.

"Nope. Even if I did, I'm not telling you now,"

"Aww, come on, I'm just kidding," He complains but he doesn't push it. "But really, how's life been? Has it been a year already?"

I suck in a breath and immediately scroll through my calendar to look at the date. Fucking hell. It's been a year. On October 3rd, 1 year ago, I started this job.

Holy fucking hell.

"Wow, has it really been that long?" I marvel. It certainly hasn't felt like it.

"It really, really has. Speaking of new surprises, guess what?"


"We have a, drumroll please, new temporary roommate for the next 3 months!" He exclaims through the phone.

"No way! Who is it?" It's been really difficult for them to find a roommate, I'm glad they finally found someone to replace me until I get back. Lewis needs human interaction to survive.

"Well, a few months ago, like around the beginning of June, this person accidentally bumped our car while in traffic."

"Like a fender bender?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't really severe. So anyway we got it all figured out and he decided to take us for dinner to apologize. Well, it turns out, that man was Sebastian Stan! And what's more, last week we had an appointment for someone to check out the apartment, and he came to check it out, and moved in yesterday! I'm not sure why he would move in with us but whatever floats his boat, you know?"

"Lewis, that's amazing! Now you don't have to pay all the rent,"

"I know! It's amazing I'm so glad he decided to move in. I think he just wanted a place closer to the studio so he can visit Tom more often. That's what he said at least,"

I smile to myself as I remember how Tom was when Sebastian hadn't shown up. Upset to say the least.

"Well, Tom will be glad to know Sebastian can come visit more often. Wait, when did you say this fender bender happened?"

"Uhh, June first?"

"So that's why Sebastian wasn't at the party. Tom will be glad to know,"

"Glad I could help clear that up," He teases.

"Well, I have to go, James is calling me from the living room, we're going to watch Mean Girls again,"

"Have fun you two, and give James a kiss for me," I tell him and he agrees and hangs up.

Tom is still asleep in the other room and I won't wake him up. He must be exhausted. There's only two more weeks of filming, then the movie premier about two months later.

Not to mention someone took a photo of us at lunch with Robert last week, so that's been circulating around recently.

Today is a really nice day outside, maybe we can go somewhere.

I open my phone to pull up some places and see a really nice restaurant that has beautiful outdoor sitting. Maybe. I keep scrolling. Maybe we can go on a bike ride? No, I'm feeling lazy today. I stop on a photo of a stunning garden. James Irvine garden.

We should go there.

Tom wakes up about an hour later, while I'm cutting up vegetables for a salad.

"Mm, goodmorning," He mumbles in a sleepy voice, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I chuckle as he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck. "I was looking for places for us to go, and there's this really beautiful garden. Wanna go?"

"As long as it's with you, I'll go anywhere,"

I feel my heart swell at his words.

"Yeah yeah. Well, go get ready if you want to get there before 11,"

He grumbles but goes to his room and a minute later I hear the shower start.

Should I join him?

I finish cutting up the pepper, add it to the bowl, and then start making my way to his room.

I open the door to the bathroom and Tom doesn't notice me yet. I take a second to admire his chiseled body. He's so handsome.

"Val?" He breaks me out of my reverie.

"I wanted to join you," I smirk as his eyes get larger. "Is that okay with you?"

"More than okay,"

I start undressing, Tom's eyes glued to me. Once all my clothes are off and on a pile on the floor I step into the warm stream next to Tom.

He grabs a loofah and starts washing my back slowly, softly moving my hair to the side so he can wash my shoulders.

"I love you so much, you know that?" He asks as he litters kisses on my arm.

"I do. And I love you more,"

"Not possible," He states and continues to lather the rest of me. When he's done, I do the same to him.

Together, we stand under the warm water, letting it cascade down our backs as it washes away the soapy bubbles on our skin.

Tom picks up the shampoo bottle and drizzles some on his hand before starting to lather up my hair. His fingers sift through my locks and I let my eyes flutter closed with pleasure.

A soft moan escapes me and Tom chuckles.

"Don't tempt me," he whispers in my ear as he continues to lather up my hair.

I hold back my moans, knowing that if I don't we'll likely spend the next hour in this shower.

Tom moves me to the stream and carefully washes my hair, making sure that no soapy water gets in my eyes.

We finish showering and dry off, both heading to our respective closets. The weather says 70 and sunny, so I decide on a red cowl neck dress with a floral pattern. I admire myself in the mirror.

I look so pretty.

"Wow," I hear from behind me and see Tom wearing a grey-blue shirt with a pair of jeans and a black jacket overtop. "You look absolutely stunning,"

"So do you," I reply, walking over to lace my hands around his neck and gaze up into his chocolaty eyes.

"I'm so lucky," He whispers before leaning down to close the gap between us.

The kiss isn't heated, there's no urgency, but it still knocks the breath out of me. There's so much love in it that I can feel it coursing through my veins.

"Come on, we should get going," He says when we pull apart. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear he gives me one more chaste kiss before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. On our way out I pick up my bag and sunglasses and we head down to the car.

A/N: Sorry for the sort of cliffhanger, I'll be updating again soon. Bro I feel the ending of the fic approaching and I dont want it to end.

Stay safe <3

~Hugs to each and every one of you~

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