Chapter 8: Eggs ~Benedict~

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I wake up feeling dazed from the alarm clock blaring beside me. The first thing I feel is the warm sheets esconsing me. The second thing I feel are two strong arms wrapped around my middle, and heat radiating from the person behind me.

Tom and I spring away from each other at the same time. But as I'm slightly stuck under the blanket my legs get caught in the sheets and I trip on my face, falling off of the bed headfirst with a soft thud.

"Val... are you okay?" Tom asks hesitantly.

I raise my arm above my head in a thumbs up motion, earning a laugh from Tom.

"Just peachy."

"Come on, get up so you can go get ready. We have another full day of shooting, but nothing after that. We can go somewhere for lunch if you want."

"Sure, sure that sounds great. Could you lend me a hand?"

Tom strides over to my side and helps me untangle myself from the blanket before offering me his hand to help me get up. I accept and pull myself up gingerly, feeling a bruise form on the side of my arm. That's gonna hurt like a bitch later.

With great effort I lumber over to my room and close the conjoining door behind me. I walk over to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on my face to cool down my burning cheeks.

This can't happen again.

I'm his bodyguard, I'm meant to protect him, and I always seem to hurt those around me. Look at my mom. My brother James, though him being hurt wasn't completely my fault.

I shake myself out of reverie and step into the shower. Letting the warm water fall over my skin I close my eyes as the steam envelopes my body.

I quickly wash my body and hair, not wanting to keep Tom waiting for too long. When I step out of the shower and scan the room for my boots I sto dead in my tracks and almost drop the towel.

It's 6:03 AM.

Why in the world would he wake up this early. Is he a masochist or something?

Grumbling, I pull on a black suit with a black shirt underneath, put on my gun holster and sheath, and slide my knives into my boots. One look in the mirror lets me know my hair won't be cooperating today, and I put it up in a ponytail, the dark brown color looking almost black because it's wet. I slap on some mascara, lip gloss, and throw on some studs, grab my gun and holster it and I'm ready.

Now fully dressed and ready to go, I grab my sunglasses and knock on Tom's door, which he opens a minute later.

"Why are you up so early?" I sigh as he beckons me to come in.

"What do you mean? Isn't it past 6?"

"What do you mean past 6? The only time it's acceptable to be awake 'past 6' is when it's six PM." I complain, but Tom just laughs at me.

"Not a morning person darling?"

"Not at all."

"Well, I know what will cheer you up."

"Sure, and what's that?" I challenge. He can't honestly expect to figure me out after knowing me for less than 48 hours.

"A big breakfast. Just think about it. Omelettes, waffles, pancakes, bacon, bagels, scrambled eggs, and they even have vegan and vegetarian options if you have any restrictions." My stomach involuntarily grumbles and Tom lets out a chuckle. "Is that a yes?"

"I guess so," I smile and find myself laughing along with Tom. He has a really contagious smile.

"Then let's go," He says, grabbing the crook of my arm and starts pulling me out of the door.

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