Chapter 19: Luka (Pt. 2)

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Hey you guys! This is a double update, please go read chapter 18 if you haven't read it already!

***Also TW: Talk of abuse, sexual content, virginity, using someone for sex, toxic relationship***


"Sorry, doesn't ring a bell. Besides, I don't want these candles anymore." Tom says fiercely and grabs my hand, wheeling me out of the store.

He doesn't stop his long strides until we are out of sight where he sets down the food and wraps his arms around me, holding me tight.

I hug him back, feeling tears well in my eyes. I need to tell him.

Tom keeps holding me for a few minutes, rocking slightly on his heels and stroking my hair.

"Tom, let's get back to the hotel. We need to talk," I say into his shirt. My voice is slightly muffled.

He releases me, and with one more kiss to my forehead, he nods and starts pulling us towards the car.

The drive is tense and is spent in silence.

When Benedict pulls over, I thank him quietly and go to grab the groceries from the back seat, and Tom grabs the food. Still, he doesn't say anything.

We trudge up the stairs, opting out of the awkward silence that would surely greet us if we stepped into an elevator.

As I close the door to Tom's room behind me and set the bags down I look up at Tom. His expression is pained and his eyes are glassy.

"Did he hit you?" He whispers, his voice cracking, as if the words themselves are like knives to his gut.

"A few times," I admit, and his expression breaks my heart. "But I went to the authorities before he could do much else."

In two strides Tom is standing in front of me, pulling me to him once again. As I bury my face in his chest, he puts his on the corner of my neck. I feel wetness on my skin.

He's crying.

"Tom, do you want me to tell you what happened between us?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to cause him any further pain.

I feel him nod against my skin, "Yes, I want to know what he did to you."

I sigh and start. It's been a while since I told anyone this story.

"Luka and I met during my junior year of highschool. He was new at our school and I was instructed to let him shadow me for his first day of school. As it turns out, we would later have 5 out of 7 classes together. Anyway, we became friends really quickly, and a few months later he asked me to prom. He was a senior at the time, and he knew I had wanted to go, so naturally he asked me. We had fun, and had a few too many drinks at the after party and ended up kissing."

Tom's hand on my back stops drawing circles for a second, and then continues, urging me to go on with my story.

"But we were friends and it was just a kiss so I just let it go. For a few weeks after the kiss everything was fine, until I started noticing some changes. He started acting really flirty around me, always looking for an excuse to be in close proximity to me. Once he 'accidentally' touched my ass when he helped me into my jacket. I was very naive and didn't think too much of it,"

I feel Tom sharply inhale as I talk, and his stance becomes somewhat rigid.

"Months go by and this behavior doesn't change, and then out of the blue, he asks me out on valentine's day. I said yes and we started dating shortly after that. For the first month or two everything was great, and then it started going downhill quickly. He started becoming obsessed with telling everyone we were together, and would constantly check up on me, like a doting mother almost. One day, we were fooling around at his house and that's when it happened. I lost my virginity to him."

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