Chapter 24: The Ashford Estate

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"You didn't tell me you live in fucking Hogwarts," Tom exclaims as Aldridge greets us at the door.

"Language, but thank you. I'll take that as a compliment,"

"Your house is beautiful," I add as a maid scurries by to take our coats. I say a quick thank you to her before turning back to my boss.

"Thank you, Ms. Larson. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Ashford estate, please, lets go to the living room," He beckons us to follow him.

We follow him into a gorgeous well lit room. Within it lie two luscious dark green sofas as well as an oak coffee table and a grand piano in the corner. Crackling in the fireplace was a fire, giving a cozy feel to the room.

"Please, sit down," He gestures to the sofas and Tom and I plunk ourselves down. "Can I get either of you something to drink? Gin perhaps? Or a martini?"

"A martini for me please," I ask.

"And scotch, neat, please,"

"Good taste. Coming right up," Aldridge turns to the drink cart and busies himself with making the drinks.

Aldridge hums to himself as he prepares the drink and I take this time to survey the room around us. The curtains are drawn and light shines through the tall glass windows, dust particles shining in the rays.

"Here are your drinks," Aldridge hands them to us and I take a small sip before setting it down.


The doorbell rings and Aldridge excuses himself to go open it.

Seconds later he comes back in, Charles and a bodyguard in tow.

"Ms. Larson, Thomas, great to see you," He smiles warmly before settling on the couch opposite us.

"Will Amaya be joining us?" Charles asks as Aldridge hands him his whiskey.

"Yes she should be right down she was finishing up a business call. Darling?" He calls out and a minute later a beautiful slender woman comes down the stairs. Her dark hair sways on her shoulders, brushing the top of her amber colored silk shirt.

"Everyone, this is my wife, Amaya. Amaya, this is Tom Holland and Val Larson. Charles you already know, and this is his bodyguard, Hank"

"It's great to meet you all," She says with a fond smile and her eyes sparkle. "Julie just notified me that dinner is ready. Shall we?"

"Lets," Aldridge announces and we all follow him into the dining room. I get seated next to Amaya, and a flowery perfume wafts off of her.

"I'm so glad to not be the only woman here anymore," She whispers with a wink and I find myself smiling back at her. I look down at her hand and notice a beautiful tattoo on her ring finger.

"What does it say?" I ask her, and her eyes twinkle as she looks down at her hand.

"It says 'I love you' in Japanese,"

"That's beautiful. Are you fluent?"

"I am. Both my parents are Japanese and I was born in Japan, it's always been a part of my life."

"Being bilingual sounds insane." I comment in awe. People who can speak more than one language amaze me.

"It is," Charles comments and we both look at him quizzically.

"I speak Dutch, English, and Latin," He explains and my jaw drops.

"I speak Czech," Hank comments, and I sigh in defeat.

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