Chapter 9: Watching You

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Before we start:

!!TW!!: Stalking, blood, stabbing, police, therapy, violence.

If any of these bother you, please skip to the next chapter.


The first thing I do is call Charles, who tells me to call Aldridge, who tells me to hold on, that he's on his way now. When he arrives, trailing behind him are Charles and another bodyguard, who's at least twice my size and towers over me. And that's no short feat. I'm 5'7.

"Where is it?" Aldridge demands, and I hand him the envelope making sure to only touch it with disposable gloves in case there are any fingerprints. Tom hands him two blue surgical gloves which he quickly puts on and takes the letter from me.

I'm watching you. Ms. Larson is pretty, isn't she?

That's all the letter says.

Along with it are a dozen photos of Tom and I, there's one that looks as if taken through a window, its me in a towel, and I recognize the background as the hotel room I sleep in.

Those 9 words make my skin crawl.

Tom, ever the gentleman, holds on to my shoulders to steady me, and I shoot him a weak wobbly smile as a thanks. He just nods.

"Well, I'll call security, and get the video footage from the cameras in this hallway. Ms. Larson, stay here with Tom. Charles, Bronx, and I will go down to the security office to see who it is. Do not open this door for anyone other than one of us. Understood?"

We nod frantically and Aldridge leaves, Charles and Bronx trailing behind him. I quickly lock the door and Tom and I stand there in silence. Slowly, he makes his way towards the bed and sinks down onto it, his head in his hands.

"This might seem like a stupid question, but how are you doing?" I ask softly, coming to sit down next to him. I have to be strong for him.

Tom doesn't answer, just shifts his weight so his head is turned and resting on my shoulder. We sit like this in silence for a few minutes, me listening to Tom's breathing. Finally he lets out a sight and mumbles "You shouldn't be caught up in this."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you shouldn't have been mentioned in that letter. That means you're unsafe because of me."


"No, don't you get it?" He exclaims, jumping away from the bed. "If you get hurt while protecting me, it'll be my fault."

"No it isn't your fault Tom." But he isn't listening. He starts pacing the small room and running his hands through his hair.

"Tom- Tom. Tom! HEY!" I stop him, and grab him by the shoulders turning him to face me. "This is NOT your fault okay? I signed the 10 month contract knowing the risks that came with it. So don't blame yourself for this." Tom's eyes are shining and his gaze is that of someone defeated. He slumps down, my hands still on his upper arms, and rests his head against my shoulder again.

I hear Tom mumble something.

"What?" I ask quietly.

"I'm scared." He says, and those two words break my heart. He usually seems so buoyant and energetic and now he just looks so lost.

"I know. I'm scared too."

"What if something happens to Harry? He's on the cast too, what if this person goes after him?"

"They won't. We'll catch him I promise, okay?"

No answer.

"Tom look at me," He brings his head up and meets my gaze. "We will catch whoever did this," I say, my tone unwavering. Tom nods at me and runs a hand down his face before walking over to flop down on the bed.

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