Chapter 6: Spidey Senses

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"Thats a wrap for today, thank you everyone for your hard work!" The director calls out, and all the actors shuffle to their changing rooms.

It's my first official day as Tom's bodyguard, and I have barely left his side, spare for the time he's shooting or in the bathroom. Even then I'm waiting outside the door. Tom doesn't seem to find this arrangement very appealing, but he doesn't complain. He knows it's for his own good.

On top of staying by his side 24/7, I now have to carry a gun as well as knives hidden in my shoes. I also have a sheath on my thigh to hold an additional dagger.

Tom says goodbye to his fellow actors and hurries to me, taking his mask off of his sweaty face.

"I just have to change out of my suit quickly and then we can go," He informs me, and steps into the room, closing the door behind him.

I busy myself counting the tiles on the floor while I wait, thinking it should take too long.

After six minutes I start to become agitated.

How long does it take to take off a bloody suit? Something must be wrong. My spidey senses are tingling.

"Close to finishing? We'll miss the reservation if you don't hurry up."


"Tom, are you all right?" I call out, pressing my ear to the door.

Again, I'm met with silence.

"Tom?" I repeat, leaning in closer.

I hear huffing and shuffling noises, followed by a crash and a thud. A muffled 'oww' can be heard through the door.

"Tom, I'm coming in!" I tell him, pushing open the door, and am met with a sight that causes me to immediately slap my hands to my eyes.

On the floor, only in his boxers, is Tom, with one leg stuck in his suit, a cracked vase on the floor next to him, seemingly having fallen off of the coffee table.

"Tom, do you need any help?" I ask, not taking my hands off of my eyes.

"I uh- well, I-I think I do," he responds meekly, and I feel for him. I can imagine how awkward this situation must be for him. "You- you can take your hands off of your face."

"No thanks, I like them here."

"Come on Val, be serious, you cant help me like that. Just take your hands off. It's not like you've never seen a guy in his underwear before."

Wrong actually.

Still I take off my hands, albeit very reluctantly, and move towards him, keeping my eyes on his face the whole time.

"Just- can you just pull it off, and I'll pull my foot out?" Tom hesitantly asks, and I notice his face is flushed and a sheen layer of sweat is visible on his forehead.

"Sure," I say and scuffle towards his legs, focusing my eyes on the red and blue fabric rather than his skin.

"On three. One... two.... Three." I give a tug and feel Tom pull on his leg. It breaks free and I'm flung backwards from the lack of resistance coming from Tom's end. Gathering the suit I stand up and hand it to him, rushing out of the door, my face flaming.

The awkwardness of what I just had to do- I have second hand embarrassment, and I went through it.

"I'll be right out, " He notifies me as I close the door.

Two minutes later he comes out, now wearing a maroon suit, adjusting his cuffs.

"Ready?" I ask, inclining my head towards the door.

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