Grace takes her plate of breakfast and says nothing more about the subject.

Camila serves two more plates of food and walks over to the table. She sets them down in front of her twin boys and runs a hand through their hairs. "Eat up babies and eat rather quickly because I need to take you guys to elementary with your sister," Camila says.

As in cue, Lauren and Camila's last child walks in fully dressed and ready for the day.

"Good morning Kaki!"

"Sofia!" Camila smiles. She bends down slightly and hugs her tightly. "You know you can call me mother, right?" Camila says once she pulled away.

"I know but your my sister too," Sofia says.

"Okay. Whatever works for you," Camila smiles, running her hand through her sister's hair. 

After Sofia and the twins have finished their breakfast and brushed their teeth, Camila takes them out to the car and helps the twins in.

"By the time I'm home I want you to be in classes, Grace," Camila says towards her eldest.

"And how would you know if I'm at the university?" Grace playfully raises an eyebrow.

"Because the chauffeur will be taking you," Camila says.

"Ughhh! When will I get my car?" Grace whines.

"When your mother is convinced that you are responsible enough for a car," Camila says.

"I am responsible," Grace says.

"After your wild party girl phase in high school, your mother isn't so convinced," Camila says.

"Whatever," Grace rolls her eyes.

With that, Camila gets in the driver's seat and starts the car.

After dropping her kids off, Camila gets back home to enter into a silent house. She sighs happily to herself and walks over to her office to start working on her book.

Although Camila dropped out of high school in freshman year when she found out that Lauren was pregnant with Grace, Camila was still able to make a career for herself.

While Lauren is off saving lives, Camila sits at home and writes some books. Lauren is one of the greatest doctors in the world and Camila is a famous book writer.

Camila has just written about two whole pages of her new book when her phone starts to ring. She checks it to see her wife's name flash across the screen. Camila grabs her phone and answers the call.

"Hello?" Camila speaks.

"Hey, Camila," Lauren says on the other line.

"You never call while you are at work unless if it's an emergency. What's wrong?" Camila asks.

"I need you to come to the hospital asap. Your father came in, he just had another heart attack," Lauren says.

"I'll be over as quick as possible," Camila says.

At the hospital, Camila walks up to the front desk where Lauren is waiting.

"What room?" Camila asks.

"Follow me," Lauren says.

They enter the elevator and Lauren presses the third-floor button and the elevator doors close.

"Break it to me. Don't sugarcoat it," Camila says.

Lauren sighs, a sad look on her features as she turns to look at her wife. "He doesn't have much time. This is his third heart attack," Lauren says.

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