Narcissa stood up abruptly and peered down at her son. The look of rage was forming on her face and she raised her hand swiftly connecting it with Draco's cheek.

"Bloody hell, mum!"

Narcissa pointed at her son. "I did not raise you to be a blubbering fool. Astoria is not the only thing of importance. The Dark Lord is planning on striking the school any day now and Draco, you need to pull yourself together. Otherwise, we will perish. Everything we have worked for will be all for nothing!"

Narcissa left the room and left Draco alone to tend to his self-inflicted wounds. While Draco was muttering healing spells over his knuckles, yet another figure appeared in his room.

"I heard quarreling. You a'ight mate?" Theo asked while lowering his gaze to the blood on the carpet then back at Draco.

"Doesn't anybody leave me the fuck alone anymore?" Draco spat while grabbing a nearby half-empty whiskey bottle.

"Yeah-well I was sent here to bring you down to the meeting. We're startin'." Theo said as he stole the bottle from Draco and took a swig.

"How—bloody—fantastic." Draco said sarcastically.

Draco listened to the endless amounts of battle strategies that the different members of the council brought to the table. Draco had no intention of contributing to the war plans, until he was called upon by the Dark Lord.

"Young, Draco, you know Hogwarts quite well, tell me, what is the best way to infiltrate the grounds? I fear the wards have been severely upgraded since I was last there..." Voldemort said with a chuckle.

Draco fixed his posture and leaned forward. "My lord, the wards are strong due to Professor Dumbledore developing them himself. Perhaps there is another way we can lure out Potter without causing total chaos."

Voldemort lowered his eyes and furrowed his facial expression cuing Draco to continue his thought. "My lord simply lure Potter from the castle. Perhaps by bating him? I know for a fact the bastard is quite fond of his friends. There will be no need for more magical blood to be spilt."

Voldemort nodded and fiddled with the elder wand, "Ahh-that would be a waste of precious blood. The Wizarding World's population diminishes every year..." Voldemort scanned the table hoping some of the other council members would have something to add, but the men remained quiet. Until Lucius perked up and jumped into the conversation.

"My lord, if you will permit me, Potter hangs around two certain kids. A Weasley boy and a mudblood. If we were able to snatch one or both, Potter will seek them out. Allowing you to strike him down."

Draco heard the word mudblood and he knew his father was referring to Granger. Potter would risk his life to save his friends, no matter the cost. Draco has not seen Granger since the night at the Inn when he told her he would never call upon her again, and he meant it. But something in his gut was telling him this plan was going to jeopardize Granger's life. What if Granger sacrifices herself to save Potter? If that were the case, then Draco would kill Potter himself for being a dim whit and allowing a girl to get herself killed for him.

"I like your idea Draco, and your thinking Lucius. I shall fixate this plan with a close councilmember. I want Potter dead within the month, gentleman. I have waited seventeen years for this, and I will not wait another year more."

Draco was beginning to turn his gaze to the nearby window when an unknown woman strode into the room. She had black hair, Asian-descent eyes, and a trimmed figure. This woman strode in and placed her hand on the Dark Lord's shoulder and Voldemort smiled at her sinisterly. Draco has only ever seen the Dark Lord smile like that when he was looking at Astoria. It made Draco's stomach curl every time he saw it.

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