Chapter 54 Rest

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Wei Ying stretched, but stopped moving suddenly. His body felt as if it had been trampled by a hundred beasts, but there was a slight pain in his back. He looked up and was immediately relieved when he saw the ceiling of the Jingshi.

He shifted his position but the dull ache remained. The soft melody stopped playing and Lan Zhan was by his side.

Warm golden eyes looked into his silver ones, concern etched upon that beautiful face. Wei Ying cupped his cheek with his left hand.

"How are you feeling?" His lovely deep voice, so familiar, seemed to trigger something in him.

Wei Ying threw his arms around him, holding him tightly. Strong arms came around his waist, but when those big palms touched his shoulder blades, Wei Ying gasped.

Lan Zhan immediately pulled away, staring at him. "What hurts?"

"My back, I don't know..."

His upper robes were off and he was flipped onto his front faster than a blink. Those hot hands pressed all over his back and there was nothing but a pleasant sensation that had Wei Ying thinking other thoughts, when a finger brushed against that same sore spot. He shuddered.

"Here?" Lan Zhan was gentler this time.


But the more he poked and prodded, the feeling disappeared until Wei Ying was leaning towards every touch, his mind clearly occupied in a different direction.

"I can't see anything." Lan Zhan told him.

"Doesn't hurt now." Wei Ying sighed into the pillow. "You have magic hands."

"I can get the healer."

"No need." Wei Ying flipped himself back, gazing at him. His thoughts were absolutely visible on his face and, Lan Zhan, who's eyes were fixed somewhere on his chest, grabbed his clothes as if coming out of a trance.

Wei Ying giggled.

"Behave." There was no heat to the word.

"Lan Zhan, tell me what happened. Where's Jiang Cheng?"

"He was found in the cave. Brother is looking after him."

"Is he alright? Can I go and see him?"

"He had a fever. We can go later."

"What about Hui Gai?"

Lan Zhan's smile vanished. "He is waiting for you."

Wei Ying tried to get up but firm hands pushed him back. "He can wait some more." Grief filled his eyes. "Why did you do it?"

"I...I couldn't think of anything else. His brother was choking him...and...I had to save him." Wei Ying sat up and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think-"

"I just saw the flames." Lan Zhan sounded so lost.

Wei Ying listened to his heart beating and tried to calm his own. "I'm sorry." Those words were inadequate, not nearly able to convey how he felt. "I didn't think."

The arms around him tightened.

Wei Ying kissed his neck. "I'm here now. Nothing happened to me."

"You have been asleep for five days." The tone was only slightly accusatory.

At least the sadness has gone, Wei Ying thought, mustering up a smile. "Did we save the dragons, though?"


"Shen Qing?"


"Are they still in Cloud Recesses?"

"Mn. They are waiting for you."

"We can go together." Wei Ying relaxed completely, soothed by his warmth, his heartbeat lulling him back to sleep.


The blackness covered him like a blanket, no longer a terrifying place. Hui Gai smiled his frightening smile, just teeth and red eyes visible.

Wei Ying didn't even ask, he jumped up and pulled him into a bear hug.

"Are you alright?" Wei Ying asked, when he stayed silent.

He stepped out of his embrace and kneeled, touching his forehead to the ground.

"W-what are you doing!" Wei Ying grabbed his arms and pulled him up.

"Master, you saved me."

"Don't call me that! My name is Wei WuXian."

"Master Wei, then." He bowed again, much to Wei Ying's embarrassment.

"We are friends. No need to be like this." Wei Ying studied him. "How are you really?"

"I am... alright." He finally said.

"I'm sorry about your brother." Wei Ying put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be. I was completely wrong about him. And he tried to kill you."

"Thank you for stopping him." Wei Ying smiled sadly.

"We are friends, as you say. And you saved me too."

"What are your plans now? Are you still attached to the knife?" Wei Ying was full of curiosity now.

"No attachment..." Hui Gai pulled the two pieces of onyx out of nowhere. "What should we do with these?"

Wei Ying was still reluctant to touch them. "I'm not sure. Can I get back to you on that?"

"Yes." He seemed deep in thought. "You asked me about my plans?"

"Yes! If you're free, you can do anything you want. I'm so happy for you!" Wei Ying smiled brightly at him.

"But Master Wei, I was thinking..." He just stared at him.

"What? What were you thinking?" Wei Ying tried to read his face.

"I...I am not a good person. I have done many things I wish I hadn't. But I...I want to change." His eyes were desperate now. "If you don't want me, I-I understand, but I was hoping-"

"What do you mean, if I didn't want you? What are you talking about?" Wei Ying sat down.

"Master Wei." Hui Gai sat next to him and took his hand. "I wish to remain by your side. I will serv-, no, help you! Please let me!"

"You want to stay with me? Why?" He really was puzzled.

"You are the best person I know. I can trust you. I wish to make amends, and I can think of no better way than to do so with your help."

Wei Ying took a deep breath.

"Can I talk to Lan Zhan first?" He saw the disappointed expression on the Demon's face and quickly added, "I'm not saying no! But I should ask first."

"Your Cultivation Partner doesn't like me." He replied, sadly.

"Lan Zhan? Doesn't like you? Why do you think that?" Wei Ying was at a loss.

"He yelled at me."

"No way!" Wei Ying was so surprised.

"So I don't think he'll agree." His shoulders slumped.

"Don't worry, Hui Gai. This isn't over yet. I'll talk to him." Wei Ying stood up, determined. "Wake me up, right now."

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