Chapter 11 Empathy

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Wei Ying was afraid to move his arm.

For the past few days, he'd tried to hide this and now he would have to own up and tell his husband. He was not looking forward to it.

XiChen knocked on the door of the Jingshi and came to him. Wei Ying smiled and bowed, but something was off and XiChen noticed.

"I have an idea I wish to share with you," he began, "but, are you well, Brother Wei?"

Wei Ying gave up all pretext and showed his arm, gingerly sliding up his sleeve. The once small black mark had grown into a swirling pattern, the redness an even darker colour.

XiChen was not prepared. He gasped out loud, and without thinking, grabbed his arm.

Wei Ying howled in pain.

Lan Zhan entered suddenly. He saw the arm and immediately picked a sobbing Wei Ying up and took him to the healer.

His arm was hot to the touch, and extremely painful. The healer understood this after he'd touched it once and Bichen was unsheathed. He had never seen anything like this. And the more he looked at the pattern, the more he was convinced that it was growing, definitely changing ever so slightly.

"Can we induce sleep? That way, Master Wei will be more comfortable."




"Brother, what do you suggest then?" XiChen tried to help.

"Painkillers first." He said.

"I also have a suggestion." XiChen continued.


"Can we try Empathy on Brother Wei?"


"It might shed some light on where these people are. Fresh pair of eyes might see something he hadn't before."

Wei Ying was made to drink a potion. The healer suggested binding his arm to protect against it bumping into anything.

"We can try," he'd agreed doubtfully. With XiChen's idea, he was more enthusiastic, impatient to do it.

"So who wants to delve in my mind?" He looked between his husband and his brother in bond.

"I don't think WangJi will let me," XiChen laughed.

"I will do it." Lan Zhan insisted.

"But Brother Wei, please be mindful of the surroundings in your vision. We need to know as much as possible about where these people are."


Later that afternoon, they were back in the Jingshi. XiChen would take notes of whatever Lan Zhan saw through Wei Ying's eyes.

Wei Ying was a little bit nervous but he was glad it was Lan Zhan. It wasn't that he didn't trust XiChen-Ge, it was just that Lan Zhan was Lan Zhan.

"Do your best." Wei Ying leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

He offered his palm and closed his eyes.

Lan Zhan saw the field where the dragon was shackled.

"Look around, Wei Ying," he spoke in his mind.

He himself was standing on a ridge. They were high up in the mountains now and Wei Ying realised that before, he had previously assumed it was a field but in fact it was a grassy ledge that jutted far out of the mountain side.

To his left, a curious bridge spanned across both mountains to form a path. He looked closer and was horrified. The bridge seemed to be made out of teeth.

He concentrated his mind and tried to see it better. Curved grey teeth, different sizes and shapes formed the sides of the bridge, a wooden walkway between the two rows, sharply curling inwards. It was a truly gruesome sight.

On his right hand side, the sheer upright mountain wall stretched up into the sky. He checked everywhere, in all directions, trying to ignore what was happening in front of him.

Lan Zhan didn't force his attention there, instead, he took his palm away and ended the session.

Wei Ying gulped, relieved. He shuffled closer to his husband who understood what he wanted and gathered him into his lap, holding him close.

XiChen was proud of him. "Well done, Brother Wei. There are quite a few new things we found out."

"I want to go and look for those people." He said, eyes shining with determination.

"But your arm? I do not think it's a good idea." XiChen tried to talk him out of it.

"Brother is right." Lan Zhan agreed.

"No, you don't understand. I promised to help. I can't do anything here." Wei Ying was desperate. "Please! I need to!"

"Get some rest first," XiChen told him. "Let's decide in the morning." He left the Jingshi.

"Lan Zhan, do you understand why I have to go?"

"Mn. Will decide later."


The painkillers were quite effective, although nothing else changed. Wei Ying felt much better and that's what counted, Lan Zhan thought.

They gathered in the library to talk about the coming mission and decide who got to go. Jiang Cheng also wanted to accompany them, as it was certain that if Wei Ying was going, then Hanguang Jun would also.

XiChen was sorry to see him want to leave, but he knew Jiang Cheng loved his brother despite their hotheaded relationship.

"Are you sorry to go?" He asked him, later that night.

"Of course I am. But my stupid brother wants to go and...and I'm not sure why, but I'm getting the feeling that I should go with him." He looked closely at his boyfriend. "Are you sorry?"

"Definitely," XiChen pulled him into a long kiss.

"Then I'd better make the most of it." Jiang Cheng smiled against his delicious lips.


Wei Ying found he could ride a horse quite easily, even with just one hand. They had said goodbye to all at Cloud Recesses including Shen Ling, who wished them a successful and speedy return.

They were travelling down the mountain, enjoying the ride, generally relaxed, when Wei Ying noticed something strange behind them. The longer they rode, the more convinced he was of the certainty of his suspicions.

When the sun was about to set, they set up camp and ate dinner. Wei Ying leaned forward.

"Do you guys know we're being followed?"

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