Chapter 34 Fallout

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Wei Ying spent all his free time in the infirmary, looking after Chang Chao. The healers had managed to stabilise his condition, and the grimness of the wound began to dissipate. He was still bed ridden, and in pain for which the medicine was appropriately administered.

Wei Ying liked to entertain him with stories of his own childhood, growing up in Lotus Pier with Jiang Cheng. This in turn, made him nostalgic for the younger brother who wasn't there.

"Do you miss him? Your brother?" Chang Chao asked.

"All the time, especially because he's away right now." Wei Ying answered distractedly, wondering what Jiang Cheng was up to today.

Wei Ying fluffed the pillows behind the young boy carefully. He felt immensely guilty because of his intervention that resulted in his injury, and this was the only way to he felt he could atone.

In the afternoon, XiChen had called for a meeting so they could explain what had happened in the latest encounter with Min Qi Xue.

Nie Huaisang had also joined them, carrying a mysterious bag with him, which he placed under the table. He smiled in a peculiar way at Wei Ying when he noticed him staring. Wei Ying was reminded of the time Nie Huaisang had caught a gold finch and brought it into classes. He'd smiled that same smile on that occasion too.

Uncle Qiren sat quietly, stroking his beard, sometimes staring in particular at Wei Ying. Their relationship was much improved lately, but Wei Ying still felt slightly uncomfortable in his presence, like the feeling that he'd break a teapot or something, and earn himself another disapproving stare.

XiChen asked Wei Ying to tell them everything about the attack. There were gasps all round when he told them how Min Qi Xue had suddenly appeared, and disappeared using the teleporting talisman.

"He came so close to Cloud Recesses? He could try and teleport inside?" Huaisang asked.

"No, the wards would prevent him." XiChen explained.

"I have a request." Lan Zhan stood up.

They all looked at him in surprise. Hanguang-Jun rarely spoke at these meetings unless he was asked a question, so this must be important. Huaisang caught Wei Ying's eyes with a raised brow, as if to ask him what he would say, but Wei Ying shrugged back and listened attentively.

He couldn't help but admire his husband, dressed in the white robes of Cloud Recesses, looking like a celestial being, beautiful and fierce... majestically saying...saying what?!

"I think we should allow Wen Ning entrance into Cloud Recesses." He repeated, talking to XiChen but not-glaring at his Uncle, almost as if daring him to protest.

"Er...why?" Wei Ying whispered, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.

Lan Zhan ignored him purposefully.

"I believe he will help look after one of our family who is currently in danger." He switched his not-glaring expression to Wei Ying, whose eyes turned dreamy, not really listening any more, drowning in the beautiful sight of the hot Jade stubbornly making a point.

"Wen Ning has proven time and again to be able to provide excellent protection for Wei Ying, especially when we are all otherwise occupied. He was also the main reason why Min Qi Xue was unable to harm Wei Ying in this last attempt. Wen Ning followed behind them when they left Cloud Recesses."

"So how did he meet Li Hua?" Wei Ying briefly snapped out of his daze to ask.

"Accidentally. She was following a suspicious figure and happened to run into him. And JunJie Kang has gone missing."

"Really," Wei Ying whispered throatily, causing Lan Zhan to choke.

"In fact," he continued, now resolutely facing forwards. "I have already asked him."

"It would have been better to ask first, Wangji." XiChen smiled because he knew this was exactly why he had not.

"That is a good suggestion." Uncle Qiren reluctantly agreed.

Wei Ying was surprised enough to stop staring at his beloved.

"Thank you, Uncle." He said.

Uncle Qiren actually smiled back.

"So," XiChen cleared his throat noisily. "Is that all for today?"

"Not quite!" Nie Huaisang stood up and placed his bag in the table in front of him. "I have a surprise." He upended the bag amidst the clunk and clatter of metal falling on wood.

"What's that!" Wei Ying leaned forward with sudden interest. "Oh my, you're such a genius!" He exclaimed loudly.

"Why, thank you!" Nie Huasang bowed low.

The table was full of replica knives that looked just enough like the one Wei Ying had.

"They're not perfect, because of time constraints, but they will definitely fool anyone not looking closely."

There were murmurs of approval from everyone. Nie Huaisang had once again proved his speciality.

He tossed a couple of them to Wei Ying who made the appropriate noises of awe.

"That really is amazing!" XiChen said graciously. "You have outdone yourself again!"

"Well," he replied, modestly, "I wondered how we could bring Master Wei out of danger. At the very least," he added, fanning himself, "it will confuse anyone with a bad intention."

Wei Ying hid these new additions in his sleeves, smiling brightly.


The whole of Cloud Recesses was in a quiet uproar (because shouting was prohibited) at the not so secret news of the attack on Wei Ying. They were divided of opinion however, on whether or not Wen Ning's presence was a necessity. Once they learned it was a special request from the mighty Hanguang-Jun himself, the protests died out naturally.

Wei Ying was happy to have his Soul Brother closer than ever, not minding that he was always nearby.

Lan Zhan was as satisfied as he could be with this extra protection, so everyone was happy.

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