Chapter 5 Questions

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Jiang Cheng was still scowling, throwing murderous looks at Wei Ying every chance he got. They were sitting in the library and Wei Ying had just told them about the knife and the vision it had given him.

Lan Zhan moved slightly forward to block his line of sight ever so subtly.

"WangJi, can you please show us the knife?" XiChen said. He was holding Jiang Cheng's hand under the table for two reasons; one, to keep him calm and two, because he liked it.

"It is not warded yet, Brother."

XiChen nodded. "We will be careful, but I think we need to see it in order to find out more about it and what it could do."

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying first. He seemed much better now than before, a little more colour in his cheeks. Wei Ying leaned forward and kissed him.

"I'm alright. Go ahead."

So Lan Zhan pulled out the pouch and emptied it on the table in front of them.

Jiang Cheng gave a low whistle.

"It's... beautiful...but in a bad way."

The black onyx handle was engraved with some kind of writing, which Wei Ying immediately started copying onto a piece of parchment.

The blade itself shone brightly, curved and sharp, still with the remnants of silvery blood. It was also engraved but instead of writing, the pattern swirled around a closed emblem.

"What do you think that is?" Wei Ying pointed with the end of his brush, careful not to touch the knife. He put the brush down and scratched his arm.

"Does it look like a crest?" XiChen asked, watching him.

"I'm not sure, and I've never seen these characters before, either."

"Did you find anything else last night, near the nest?"

"A dragon is pretty big. It's not like they could have smuggled her out without anybody seeing." Jiang Cheng said, scooting closer to the knife, his ire towards his brother forgotten for the moment.

"Exactly," XiChen replied.

"We didn't really get a chance to look properly, last night." Wei Ying said, looking down.

"Not Wei Ying's fault." Lan Zhan patted his knee. "Brother will help."

"Yes. I can send a team of rangers to investigate, especially if they look while it's daylight. Things missed in the darkness of night might be easily noticed now." XiChen smiled kindly at Wei Ying. "How do you feel now?"

"Much better XiChen-Ge, but...I feel like we need to do this quickly, like time is running out. How is Shen Ling?"

"He was with his children last night." Lan Zhan replied.

"It's not his fault, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying admonished, quietly. "He did try to warn me."

"Wei Ying was hurt. Wei Ying cried." His hold on Bichen tightened, knuckles white.

Wei Ying grabbed his free hand. "I'm okay. And I'll be careful from now on."

"The disciples are too scared to go near the stables right now." XiChen said. "They wanted to see the babies but their father is a little protective."

"I want to go and see him. And the babies." Wei Ying announced. "Then I can work on something to protect us from the knife."

"So let's do this," XiChen said. "After you have met with Shen Ling, you can work on that. We can search the library for more information about the writing and that crest, while we wait for the rangers to come back."

A disciple knocked and entered. "Nie Sect Leader, Nie Huaisang is at the gates, requesting permission to enter Cloud Recesses."

XiChen looked at them all. "Do we want him to know about this?"

"I don't mind, in fact, he might know something we don't." Wei Ying said.

The others agreed so XiChen told the disciple to bring him to the library.

"There was also a piece of material." Wei Ying tugged Lan Zhan's sleeve.

Lan Zhan placed the charred fabric next to the knife.

"It kind of looks like what those people were wearing," Wei Ying mused.

"Brother Wei!" A delighted loud exclamation sounded from the doorway.

Nie Huaisang entered, flapping his fan, breaking the mood in the room. They all bowed to each other.

"What's this?" He was just going to pick up the knife but the sudden shouts stopped him and he shrank back. "Why not? What's wrong with it?"

XiChen told him everything.

"Now that you mentioned it, it does it's hiding something." He stepped forward, cautiously. "I remember Da-ge telling me about cults in the past, who used these types of blades. He had learned about black magic and decided to find anyone dabbling in these... rituals."

"Can you remember anything else?" XiChen asked, hopefully.

"No, but I'm sure there must be something in the library. When Da-ge first became Sect Leader, he hired a scholar to keep a written record of the major things happening. He still lives in the castle tower." He leaned towards Wei Ying. "But, I hear you have some guests. May I please go and meet them?"

Wei Ying stood up. "I was just going to visit them myself."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Cheng came over and took his arm, the one he had just been scratching. "I want to talk to you." When Lan Zhan came closer, he glared at him and added, "alone."

Wei Ying shook him off and went to his husband. "He just wants to talk."

"He can talk here." Lan Zhan stubbornly resisted.

"He's MY brother," Jiang Cheng yelled. "I can talk to him in private if I want to."

Lan Zhan shoved Wei Ying behind his body and faced off with Jiang Cheng. There was no expression on his face, just hostility coming off in waves.

Jiang Cheng took a step back.

XiChen stood next to Jiang Cheng. "I'm sure he only wants to talk, WangJi."

Wei Ying hugged Lan Zhan from behind. "I know you're worrying, but it's okay. I'll be fine."

Slowly, Lan Zhan relaxed. "Five minutes."

"You're giving me a time limit!!" Jiang Cheng shouted incredulously. "No way!"

"Five minutes or nothing."

"He'll be quick!" Wei Ying jumped out from behind his husband and dragged Jiang Cheng outside.

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