Chapter 7 Guests

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Wei Ying fell over from the force of impact with the little bundle that had managed to knock him down. It was only by instinct that he'd rolled as he fell to protect the person in his arms.

Li Xiwang straddled his stomach and grinned from ear to ear.

"Hello, Wei gege. I am here."

"Did you come by yourself, little one?" He asked, concerned.

"No. Why would you think that?" Another familiar voice snapped.

Wei Ying immediately stood up, mindful of the child (who refused to get off him).

"Grandmother!" And then he turned to Shen Ling. "This is my Grandmother, Shen Ling."

"It is an honour." Baoshen Sanren said, dryly.

"May I ask why you're here?" Wei Ying directed this question to the little girl, avoiding eye contact with other.

"You stopped writing!" She poked his chest, clearly upset with him.

"I'm sorry, truly." Wei Ying hugged her. "Other things happened. Have you met our guest?" He turned and faced Shen Ling.

Li Xiwang waved quickly and turned around to look at Wei Ying.

"I don't care. You said you would write back. You said I could write as many letters as I liked."

"My hand hurts." Wei Ying tried going for sympathy. "And he has babies! Would you like to meet them? They're so cute!" His voice faded away as he went inside.

"Grandmaster, it is my pleasure to meet you again." Shen Ling bowed deeply.


Li Xiwang was only slightly appeased by the little babies, who woke when she squealed in delight. She jumped off Wei Ying and went straight to them.

His Grandmother joined them, watching the little girl playing with her new friends.

"Gramps, please can we stay?" She shouted. "Pleeeaase?"

She smiled indulgently. "Only for a few days, then."

"That's great, I want you to meet my brother in bond." Wei Ying shouted for JingYi.

"Will you please bring Li Xiwang back when she's tired?" He told him.

JingYi had a bucket of dead rats. Wei Ying made a face.

"You don't have to feed them," he grumbled. "They're not vegetarian, you know."

Wei Ying ignored him and took his grandmother's arm, filling her in on everything that had happened since they'd visited her last. He let go to scratch his arm and she noticed but didn't say anything.

It was after he'd made introductions in the library and absentmindedly scratched his arm again, that she silently snatched his arm, exposing the red mark.

"What's this?" She demanded.

"I don't know."

Lan Zhan had been keeping an eye on them. He came and stood next to his grandmother. Wei Ying noted that he didn't stand next to him.

His grandmother narrowed her eyes at him and he was reminded of Wen Qing.

"Is there something wrong with you?" She swiftly felt for his pulse.

His chest chose that moment to twinge, a pain sharper than before and he sucked a breath in.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan was by his side immediately.

"There's something wrong, but I can't tell what it is. His pulse is fine, meridians are unblocked..."

"I don't know what it is." Wei Ying finally admitted. "It's been happening for a while now." He couldn't look at Lan Zhan at all now. This wasn't how he wanted to tell him.

Lan Zhan frowned and left. After a while, there was a loud crash, the sounds of something being ripped apart. And then he came back, straightening his robes.

"What do you think it is?" He asked his grandmother.

"I'm not sure. Have you been anywhere strange? Eaten anything odd?" She asked him about everything while Lan Zhan stared back.

"No. And I'm fine now." He wrestled his arm away from her. "I have work to do." He walked out of the library and went straight to the Jingshi.


Wei Ying was upset with himself. And he knew that Lan Zhan was also upset with him, and that made it worse

He spent the whole afternoon all by himself, trying and inventing all sorts of talismans that would hopefully help with their investigation of the knife.

But he was frustrated with himself. How come all these health problems found their way to him? He wasn't even sure what it was. Or how it had managed to make him feel this way.

Lan Zhan came back much later. Wei Ying stared at him, waiting to be scolded. Lan Zhan remained silent. Wei Ying poured him tea. And felt like crying.

"Come here."

Wei Ying looked up hopefully.
Lan Zhan had his arms open.

He scrambled up and fell around his husband, crying earnestly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He sobbed.

Lan Zhan just patted his back and patiently waited.

"I should've told you before."


"I'm sorry I didn't."

"Wei Ying is forgiven."

"I-What?" Wei Ying lifted his tear streaked face away from his chest. "What did you say?"

"Wei Ying is forgiven. But why did you not say anything?"

"I'm scared." He hid his face again.

"Of what?"

"At first, I thought it was nothing. I even thought I was imagining it," he smiled, ruefully. "But then it got worse, and...and then, I didn't know how to."

"I am here." Lan Zhan stroked his hair. "But Wei Ying must promise not to do it again."

"I promise." Wei Ying kissed his neck. "I love you."


"So.... I'm not tired. At all." He emphasized, grinning mischievously. "What about you?"

Lan Zhan picked him up and threw him on their bed.

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