Chapter 13 Camp

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The town of Hui Wu was hard to find. Everyone had heard of it, but nobody could tell them exactly where it was.

Wei Ying had been wandering around, people watching and looking for a suitable candidate to question, when suddenly, a carriage driver lost control of his horses. In that chaos, a blind man had been attempting to cross from one side of the road to the other at that same moment.

He was extremely lucky that Wei Ying was there and managed to pull him to safety.

Wei Ying patted off the dust that had blown up onto the man's clothes, chatting in a friendly way not to scare him.

"Young Master," he said.

Wei Ying froze. Was it a coincidence that only Shen Ling called him by that name?

"Yes, grandfather." He'd replied, a bit shakily.

"As you have helped me, let me help you. What do you desire the most?" His voice was rough with age, not a patch of skin on his face without a wrinkle and yet, Wei Ying felt a strange familiarity with him.

"Right now, I wish someone would tell us how to get to Hui Wu," he laughed, indulging the old man. There was no way an old man, a blind one at that, would be able to help.

"Follow the road that leads from this place. When you come to the fork in the road, choose the left path, by the oak tree. You will come to the Bridge of Souls. There, you must decide for yourself how to proceed." He turned away.

"Thank you, grandfather." Wei Ying scratched his chin at the oddly specific directions. He bounced off to find Lan Zhan.


They were sitting around the camp fire, eating dinner. Jiang Cheng had developed a mild hatred for JunJie Kang, resulting in petty feuds all the time. The night was when they took it to another level.

"Move your foot."

"Why should I?"

"It's in my way!"

"Go around, then!"

The voices would get louder until someone intervened.

Chang Chao had taken to sitting near or next to Wei Ying whenever he got the chance, and it was beginning to annoy Lan Zhan. And, this was only their second night together.

Wen Ning found himself sitting next to Li Hua most of the time. She never spoke and neither did he, and both were quietly comfortable in their silence.

Wei Ying reached out to accept the skewer of whatever unlucky animal they were eating when the sharp pain in his chest had him dropping it. He clutched his robes, eyes tight, trying to overcome it. The next thing he knew, Lan Zhan was shoving a potion under his nose, helping him drink it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"For what?" Wei Ying was confused.

"I forgot to give Wei Ying medicine." Lan Zhan wouldn't look at him.

"Ayio! Lan Zhan, I'm fine now. You shouldn't feel bad." He chugged it down and then realized everyone was looking at him.

"It's fine, I'm fine," he laughed, awkwardly.

"You made him drop his food!" Jiang Cheng shouted at JunJie Kang.

"No I didn't!" And another row ensued.

Wei Ying caught his brother's eye and mouthed a thank you.


The next day dawned dark and ugly. Ominous clouds rolled across charcoal skies, threatening with rain. They had followed the directions given by the old man but had yet to reach the Bridge of Souls. Or any bridge for that matter.

The path led them higher into the mountains before sheets of rain engulfed them. There was nowhere for shelter, so they carried on walking, feet squelching on the soggy road.

Wei Ying was thoroughly miserable, soaked to the skin and feeling bizarrely hot. They found an overhang under which they could rest; but Wei Ying dragged himself off the horse and promptly collapsed.

Wen Ning had kept an eye on him after last night and readily caught him, but Lan Zhan was shaken. They quickly lit a fire and wrapped him in blankets to keep out the chill.

All their spirits were low, no one had the heart to complain, or even make conversation. Chang Chao sat close to Wei Ying, rubbing his arms for warmth.

"We should find somewhere dry to stay the night," Jiang Cheng told Lan Zhan. "He doesn't look good at all."

Lan Zhan nodded. He was still trying to process what was happening to his husband.

Jiang Cheng grabbed a protesting JunJie Kang and they walked into the town.


They came back an hour later.

"I don't know what's wrong," Jiang Cheng said. "The whole town is deserted. There's no one here except a blacksmith."

"He's agreed to take us." JunJie Kang said, packing up his things.

Lan Zhan picked up the still unconscious Wei Ying and followed them.

The town itself was situated in a sort of valley between two harsh mountain sides. Shelves of rock hung over the town, giving it a dark feel. And the lack of humanity was giving Jiang Cheng chills.

They had only realized the presence of the blacksmith because he was working, beating an obstinate piece of metal into shape; Jiang Cheng wanted to do that to a certain someone himself.

The blacksmith gave them a single room and they settled in for the night.

"Your foot is in my face!"

"That's not my foot."

Lan Zhan was glad someone was comfortable enough to do that.

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