Chapter 35 Accomodations

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Wei Ying stared at the huge temporary marquee next to the stables, a wild-eyed JingYi nervously jumping from one foot to the other.

"This should make it easier." Wei Ying was saying, eyeing the younger one. "There's more room, too. Here," he shoved a bunch of talismans into his palm. "You can help me. We've got to fire proof this."

JingYi reluctantly got to work. One of the babies had grown especially attached to him, following him around with tiny hoots and squeals. It watched him interestedly as he began the long process.

Wei Ying thought the dragon babies were positivity thriving under his care. Despite his protests, they had developed a bond which the babies refused to cement with anybody else. They were around half the size of their father now and it would not be too long before they would reach the same size, if not bigger. Shen Ling was curled on his side, watching the other two babies. Sometimes his eyes would close lazily while they crawled all over his body, making little happy sounds.

The healer's new tonic, still disgustingly bitter and now a full greyish shade, worked even better than the previous concoction, so Wei Ying was in exceptionally good spirits.

He sneaked away leaving JingYi to finish the job which originally started out as joint task.

XiChen had received another crane message so he was on his way to find out what Jiang Cheng had sent. He really missed his brother...

In the library, only Lan Zhan, XiChen, and himself were present, given the secrecy of this mission.

"I'm afraid it's not much," XiChen said. "He says construction work on the bridge has speeded up for some reason, they want it finished in two weeks. That will leave," he quickly calculated, "a total of twenty four days left before the Autumn Equinox."

"Any word on Min Qi Xue?" Wei Ying came and stood by his husband.

"He's going to meet him today. He says not to worry if we don't hear from him immediately after." XiChen couldn't help frowning.

"It will be alright, XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying said thoughtfully. "My brother knows how to look after himself."

"I know." XiChen said, but they both knew what is was like to miss someone important.


Jiang Cheng's head was pounding. Just what was in that peach wine they had made him drink? Why was he in such a bad way? And then another fear crept into his mind slowly slithering like a snake. He hadn't... hadn't given away anything? Had he?

It was the end of another hard day's toil. The bridge was well on its way to being finished on time. Jiang Cheng had developed a strong respect for his fellow workers and the ethics they strived to work by.

So he was surprised when Ling Shang Po pulled him up and out of the town centre.

"Don't you remember?" He frowned at the lost look on Jiang Cheng's face. "The Boss?"

"Umm, should I?"

Ling Shang Po whacked his shoulder. "You're such a joker. I told you about it last night. You even said yes."

Jiang Cheng tried to think what he'd agreed to, but there was a blank space where his memory of last night was supposed to be.

"Right?" He made it sound like a not question.

"Worry not, he probably just wants to assess your skills, see if you're right for this other job." Ling Shang Po cackled. "He's always looking for new talent."

"What is this other job?"

"You'll find out, all in good time." Was the reply he got.


They walked out of the village and took a turning that Jiang Cheng must have missed on his initial entrance to where he was living now.

A shack materialised out of the darkness, only illuminating the be basic outline in the thin moonlight.

Ling Shang Po knocked once and then three times in succession, obviously a code in their execution.

The door opened from the inside, where it was even darker. Jiang Cheng was happy about the lack of light, in that it helped him more to hide his features.

He could make out the silhouettes of three shadowy figures, one of whom sat at a table. He lit a match and ignited the candle by his side.

Jiang Cheng clearly saw the scar across his face then. He tried not to smile.

"Something funny?" He asked, the voice recognizable.

"No. Just strange meeting in a place like this." Jiang Cheng sounded confident even to himself.

"We like to remain...quiet." he replied. "Are you interested in making a bit more money?"

"Why?" Jiang Cheng remembered Nie Huasang's advice not to appear eager.

"Some things should be kept... private." He replied. "Are you interested, or not?"

"Say I am...what do you want me to do?" He hedged.

"We are in need of some... precious cargo." Min Qi Xue said. "And I need to know if you're on board. But you can't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, Boss. He's not married, no one to nag him into doing things he doesn't like." Ling Shang Po spoke up for him.

"I didn't ask you." The voice curled around malice like a lover.

"I'm sorry, so sorry!" He quickly apologized, realizing his mistake.

"How good are you with fighting?" He turned back to Jiang Cheng.

"I know which part is the sharp bit. As long as I keep it away from me, we're good."

"Right you are." He agreed. "Then can I count on you to join us?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't believe his luck. But he was careful not to appear too confident.

"You haven't told me what you want me to do." He added a drawling laziness the words.

"You'll find out in a few days."

"Fine." Jiang Cheng turned around to leave.

"I didn't say you could go."

He stopped in his tracks. "Is there anything else?" A hint of sarcasm, coyly breaking rules.

"No, no. You can go." Apparently, he had changed his mind.

Jiang Cheng high tailed it out of there, as fast as he could.

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