Chapter 32 Lonely

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Lan Zhan looked at his ring, the blue flame igniting panic in his mind as he jumped on Bichen. But he stopped, seeing two forms on the sword he recognized as his son's.

Both were covered in blood.

Where was Wei Ying?


The boy understood immediately. "Father is with Wen Ning, he ordered me to bring this man for medical assistance first."

Lan Zhan nodded, his heart still racing, and resumed traveling on Bichen.

About half way down the mountain, he found them. Wen Ning had his arm around a bloody Wei Ying who seemed a bit out of it.

Lan Zhan jumped off Bichen and grabbed him. He rapidly checked him for injuries and found none? Where did all this blood come from?

Wei Ying cupped his face weakly. "It's not mine, it's Chang Chao's." His eyes filled. "He saved me."

Lan pulled him into his arms, nodding to dismiss Wen Ning, and returned to Cloud Recesses. He stopped outside the Jingshi and yanked Wei Ying inside.

He pushed him hard against the wall and kissed him, but this kiss was brutal in strength and relentless in duration. Wei Ying weakly protested, but as the breath in his lungs left, what little power he had faded and he slumped against his husband.

Lan Zhan felt the change and pushed him back. He had never felt this bewildering anger before, and he knew he had to leave or he would do something he would regret.

With a final look at his husband, who was slowly sliding to the floor, he left the Jingshi, the door banging shut behind him.

Wei Ying crawled to the bed, and then deciding it was too much effort to get up on to it, he pulled the blanket off. He wrapped it around his shaking body and crawled under the bed, finally able to close his eyes.


Lan Zhan returned, tired, after a few hours. When he did not see Wei Ying on the bed, he was about to leave, when something caught his eye. He walked closer to it; it was the corner of their blanket. What was it doing under their bed?

He single handedly lifted the bed to discover his husband curled into a tight ball, cocooned within their blanket, fast asleep.

He was beyond relieved. But now, it was impossible to lift him up and lift the bed. He would need another pair of hands. He sighed and went to get his brother.


"Why is your husband under your bed?" XiChen asked him, curiously.

"I...I was angry." Lan Zhan admitted, embarrassed.

"That's...not good. Look at him, WangJi. He looks... afraid." There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"I am sorry."

XiChen patted his shoulder. "This is also his home, and you made him feel unsafe. You have to fix this."

Lan Zhan silently nodded.

"I'll lift the bed, you lift him up."

Together, they got the job done.

"Sorry for waking Brother." Lan Zhan told him, before he left.

XiChen nodded but didn't want to admit that sleep was a long lost friend since Jiang Cheng had gone.


Wei Ying woke slowly from a deep and revitalizing sleep. He yawned and stretched - but found he couldn't.

Tight arms bound him to a hard chest. He blinked down at his husband, smiling, but it vanished when he saw red eyes, moisture leaking into the pillow.

"Lan Zhan? Why are you crying?" He wiped the tears but more fell, even faster. "Stop! What's wrong?"

Golden eyes held his, filled with pain.

"Tell me." Wei Ying demanded. "Who made you cry? Was it XiChen-ge? I don't care if he's your senior, I-"

"Wei Ying was scared." Lan Zhan's voice was coarse from grief. "I made Wei Ying scared."

"You did? When?" Wei Ying kissed his eyes and cheeks, trying to make him feel better.

"Last night."

"To tell you the truth," he laughed bashfully, "I don't remember much about last night."

"You left Cloud Recesses." He couldn't help the slight accusatory tone.

"Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you. Chang Chao sort of surprised me. Wait!" He exclaimed, suddenly remembering. "Chang Chao stopped a sword for me! He was hurt!" Wei Ying tried to scramble up and out of bed, but he was held firmly by the extraordinarily strong arms.

"He is recuperating."

"Oh. Then why are you crying? I didn't know you guys were close." Wei Ying snuggled back into the warmth. "But this is nice. I love you."

"You... don't remember?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Remember what?" His voice was slurring with sleep.

"I kissed you. Not in a good way."

"Did you?" And then, "is there a bad way?" He grinned, naughtily. "I don't believe it."

"I hurt you." Lan Zhan looked away. "You hid under the bed. I am sorry."

Wei Ying sighed. "Look, you're obviously beating yourself up over something I really don't remember. How about we forget about it? And you stop crying? I forgive you, whatever it is you think you've done." He kissed him noisily and promptly fell asleep.


Later that afternoon, Wei Ying was taking a walk into the higher grounds of Cloud Recesses, and came across a part of it he didn't recognize.

His brow furrowed in confusion as he wondered what had happened. Hundreds of trees lay on the ground, horribly slashed and broken. Who had done this? Why?

One thing was clear, he had to tell XiChen-Ge. His mind raced as well as his feet, pounding the way back to the Great hall, where Lan Zhan caught him.

"Wei Ying!"

"Lan Zhan! You won't believe it, but there seems to be a wild animal loose in Cloud Recesses! We have to warn the others! Where is XiChen-Ge?" He tried to run, but Lan Zhan held him immobile.

"Where? Show me."

Wei Ying brought him to the destroyed forest.

"Do you see? Come, we have to tell someone!" He grabbed Lan Zhan's hand, but he did not move.

"Lan Zhan?"

He mumbled something.

"What? I can't hear you."

"I did this."

"You? No way! You!?" Wei Ying dropped his hand, bewildered. "Why?" He asked, finally.


"You were angry? With whom?"

"Wei Ying, sometimes. Yesterday, myself." He still wouldn't look up.

"Why were you angry with yourself?" Wei Ying came closer, placing his hands on Lan Zhan's cheeks.

"I was not with Wei Ying. Wei Ying was in danger."

"Ah." Wei Ying looked into his eyes. "That's not your fault. You must know this. I admit, I should have told you before going into town, but the rest of it..." His gaze drifted towards the destruction. "Wow. That angry?"

"I will do better."

"Yes you will." Wei Ying said, firmly. "I want you to plant a new tree for every one you cut down. Am I clear?"

Lan Zhan nodded.

"You know, you're cute. All the time, but especially when you're in the wrong." Wei Ying kissed him and led him back.

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