Chapter 2 Discovery

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Jiang Cheng sauntered into Cloud Recesses unhindered and that alone, raised his suspicions.

His arms ached from carrying the stupid lotus pods that his stupid brother was making him bring, but the fact that there was no one guarding the gates was increasingly worrying him.

Sure enough, the entirety of Cloud Recesses was in uproar.

The noise levels became higher and higher the further he got inside, so he decided to look for his boyfriend, blushing at how it sounded in his head. XiChen was sure to know what was going on.

XiChen had returned to Gusu early in the morning as soon as curfew was over. He had felt uncomfortable with the knowledge that his and Jiang Cheng's relationship could be out in the open, neither of them fully trusting Wei Ying. Jiang Cheng knew his brother well, their childhood rivalry rooted in competition and one-upmanship. But the problem was, he and XiChen, or Lan Huan as he had asked Jiang Cheng to call him, were in the newest stage of their relationship, and for now, it was something they did not want to share with the world.

How they felt, the newly discovered feelings and experiences were something that he wanted to keep cradled to his chest, like something precious, needing protection. In that scenario, Wei Ying was an incendiary device ready to wreak havoc. And Jiang Cheng was determined to protect both his feelings and Lan Huan's.

There was no answer at the Hanshi, so Jiang Cheng left the lotus pods by the Jingshi and followed the sound of excitement.

Crowds had gathered near the stables and a tired looking Lan Huan was busy trying to keep people at bay.

"They are babies, and they are frightened. Please, carry on with whatever you are doing."

Jiang Cheng smirked. His boyfriend was too polite to tell people to get lost, but that was his very skill set. All he had to do was stand next to the handsome man, look threatening and call on Zidian.

The crowd scattered like cockroaches.

It had the desired effect, and a grateful Lan Huan giving him a small smile. Jiang Cheng would do anything for that smile. He held himself back from kissing those cherry lips, promising himself not to hold back when they were alone.

Grateful, was not a word XiChen would have used himself. Jiang Cheng somehow managed to steal his breath, every time he laid eyes on him. It left him floundering, wondering what it was that this graceful, beautiful man saw in him, but together, they were good for each other.

"I bet my brother has something to do with all this?" Jiang Cheng gestured vaguely around them.

Lan Huan didn't answer but tugged on his sleeve to follow him inside the stables, stopping outside the furthest stall. He opened the door and stood back, watching his face.

Jiang Cheng could feel his jaw dropping and do nothing about it.

Three delightfully cute red faces, attached to very real dragon bodies, stared up at him.

"Are they...are they...? He couldn't finish the sentence, looking at Lan Huan for confirmation.

The babies lost interest in the newcomer, resuming to chase after each other, hiding behind a filthy JingYi who looked incredibly tired. Somehow, SiZhui, who was standing beside him, was cleaner.

Suddenly, one if the babies starting choking.

"What's happening?" JingYi looked scared. He went to stroke it's back and it coughed out fire and smoke, singeing his sleeve. He shrieked and tried to put it out but resulted in the surrounding hay catching fire before SiZhui dumped the nearby bucket of water over him. Smoke hissed off him in waves.

Jiang Cheng held in his laughter. He would not look at his boyfriend. He would not...


Shen Ling found the clearing where his nest was and landed gently, mindful of his guest. Wei Ying dismounted ungracefully, his hair whipped out of the pony tail and he would've fallen over if his husband hadn't caught him. His legs were unsteady and he could feel his body shaking. Lan Zhan silently held his waist until he was able to walk.

They followed an amused Shen Ling deeper into the forest, the signs of the mongoose monsters still visible on the tree trunks. Silvery splashes decorated the bottom of the tree in which the dragon nest was located. And Shen Ling was right, Wei Ying noted, looking at the fresh signs of struggle. Shen Qing had definitely fought back.

They looked on the ground separately, trying to find something, anything that would show them what had happened to the silver dragon. Lan Zhan found a singed piece of cloth, brown originally, but blackened on the outer edges.

Wei Ying was glad they were searching individually. The twinge in his chest was persistent today, and he wished it would not distract him so much. Maybe he would find a time to tell Lan Zhan soon...

His thoughts were muddled and it was only when he stumbled to the ground, tripping over something shiny and hard, that he discovered their second clue.

It was an unsheathed knife, maybe no bigger than his palm, and his hands were much smaller in this fairly new body. It was curved like a miniature scimitar, with peculiar markings on the blade and an elaborately carved handle made out of onyx. Silver stains marked the blade and the ground where it had fallen.

"Look, I found something," he was saying as he went to pick it up.

Too late, Shen Ling's voice screamed at him not to do it, but the blade was already grasped.

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